Examinando por Materia "Burnout"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Manifestación del síndrome de burnout en los docentes de la Institución Educativa San José de Jaraquiel en el marco de la emergencia sanitaria por causa del coronavirus covid19 en el municipio de Montería(2021-03-19) Milanés Zuñiga, Aura Verónica; Parra Marín, Diana Esther; Mirid Vergara, SornozaThe present work as an option to obtain the title of specialist in Industrial Hygiene and safety, was based on the application of the Malash Burnout Inventory MBI Questionnaire to the teachers of the San José de Jaraquiel Educational Institution in the framework of the health emergency caused by coronavirus COVID-19 in the Municipality of Montería; to determine if teachers were suffering from the syndrome, if they were at risk or if they did not. With the development of the investigation, an application and deepening work will be released to show the situation experienced by the teachers of the San José de Jaraquiel Educational Institution as a result of the pandemic, which could possibly be affecting their health as a result of the presence of some symptoms of burnout syndrome. Within the literature, it will be revealed what the Burnout syndrome consists of, which is defined as a type of work stress, a state of physical, emotional or mental exhaustion that has consequences on self-esteem and a low interest in the development of the work tasks. Due to the crisis that has been experienced worldwide today, in the framework of the pandemic caused by the Coronavirus COVID-19, it has caused that people's daily lives have been affected and subjected to abrupt changes, and the education system has not been the exception, teachers have had to change the way of teaching and go from a traditional face-to-face pedagogical model to a virtual model; work that has become a great challenge and challenge. On the other hand, there are also other challenges that teachers have been subjected to, such as the fact that many students do not have a good internet connection, some do not have access and also do not have work tools such as computer, cell phone or tablet; making the teacher's job more difficult, which contributes to generating work stress in them. For the analysis and support of the study carried out, the teachers of the San José de Jaraquiel Educational Institution were applied the Malash Burnout Inventory MBI questionnaire, which is a measurement instrument that consists of 22 questions, where four were used ( 4) measurement levels such as: Severe, Moderate, Mild and Does not present; taking into account the three (3) scales that are evaluated in the Malash Burnout MBI questionnaire, which are: Emotional Tiredness, Depersonalization and Personal Realization. After obtaining the results of the survey applied to the teachers of the San José de Jaraquiel Educational Institution, it was possible to conclude that 1 of the 18 teachers that represent 5.6% do not present the syndrome, that 2 of the 18 teachers that represent 11.1 % are found to have the syndrome and are at the severe grade level, 7 of the 18 teachers who represent 38.9% have a mild degree of suffering from the syndrome and 8 of the 18 teachers who represent 44.4% have a moderate degree of suffering syndrome. The purpose of this work was to analyze and to determine if teachers suffered or not, and from the results obtained an added value is left where a series of recommendations are left to deal with the syndrome and to prevent it from developing in other teachers, It is essential to remember that the physical and mental integrity of the teachers of the San José de Jaraquiel Educational Institution must prevail, since each collaborating due to the daily activities they carry out, may experience stress, either due to workload, difficulties at the family level , professional and personal.Publicación Acceso abierto Síndrome de burnout durante la postpandemia en personal de salud de la ESE Camu Pueblo Nuevo- Córdoba, 2022(Universidad de Córdoba , 2022-08-25) Palomo Negrete, José Fernando; Espitia Cabrales, EnalbisEl presente estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar el nivel de SíndromedeBurnouten el personal asistencial de la ESE CAMU Pueblo Nuevo, durantelapostpandemia, 2022. Metodología. Estudio descriptivo, transversal, conenfoquecuantitativo, se utilizó el cuestionario de Maslach Burnout Inventory(MBI); lamuestra estuvo conformada por 6 médicos generales, 1 enfermera profesional y12 auxiliares de enfermería. Resultados. El Síndrome de Burnout tuvounnivel alto para el aspecto de cansancio emocional en un 42,11%, enladespersonalización un 36,84% y un nivel bajo para la realización personal enun15,79%; mientras que en nivel medio la dimensión cansancio emocional presentóun 21,05%, la despersonalización y realización personal, porcentajes igualesde26,32%. En los aspectos cansancio emocional y despersonalizaciónseencontróuna correlación positiva y directa (0,7245), mientras que para el cansancioemocional y la despersonalización con respecto a la realización personal seencontró correlación débil inversa negativa. Conclusión. En todos los sujetosdela muestra se encontró Síndrome de Burnout con diferentes niveles, el 57,89%tienen un nivel bajo; 31,58% presentó un nivel medio y el 5,26%unnivel alto, loque indica que estos síntomas pueden afectar el rendimiento laboral, latomadedecisiones, trato a los pacientes, entre otros aspectos físicos, socialesoemocionales.