Examinando por Materia "Bio-based plastic"
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Publicación Embargo Bioplásticos: contexto actual, aplicaciones y sostenibilidad(2022-02-23) Duarte Ramírez, Luis Antonio; Gastelbondo Pastrana, Bertha IrinaIntroduction. Worldwide, production of non-degradable plastic exceeds its recycling, only 1% of the total global production is recycled. The rest of these are deposited in seas, lakes, rivers, lagoons; evidencing secondary effects on these environments. Objective. To determine the current importance of bioplastics in industrial sectors and the impact on sustainable development. Method. A systematic search of articles in English and Spanish published from 2011 to 2021 was carried out through Google academic, University of Cordoba and PUBMEDNCBI databases. The following search was obtained using keywords such as bioplastic, biobased, environment. It was filtered by the scale of time designed before. Conclusions. The importance of bioplastics applications in various market sectors and the sustainability that is studied with the use of these is above the nondegradable plastic based on fossil materials because its degradability is faster, and contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gases.