Examinando por Materia "Active learning"
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Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-17) Vargas Olascoaga, Eliana Carolina; Castillo Negrete, Hernán José; Gavalo Villadiego, Saray Saneth; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloLeadership in the educational context is essential for the development and success of students, as well as for the growth and continuous improvement of educational institutions. This type of leader encourages critical thinking, creativity, and active learning, encouraging students to take responsibility for their own learning and to actively participate in the educational process. This work structures leadership as a teacher and its implications for improving the teaching of a foreign language, demonstrating that a leading teacher is characterized by his ability to inspire, motivate and guide students towards the achievement of educational goals and objectives, having a teacher-student relationship. In addition to their relationship with students, teacher leadership implies the ability to collaborate and work as a team with other education professionals. This document will delve into the idea that an effective teacher leader communicates clearly and effectively with colleagues, builds relationships of trust, and fosters an environment of collaboration and mutual support. This implies being a role model for students, inspiring and motivating them, fostering collaboration and teamwork, seeking continuous professional development, and making effective decisions for the benefit of the educational community.Publicación Acceso abierto Creación de recursos educativos digitales y acompañamiento a docente de la Lic. en Lenguas Extranjeras con énfasis en inglés(2022-09-06) Paez Pereira, Gladys Ceneris; Rangel Vellojin, Julio JoséEl presente informe expone de manera detallada todo el proceso desarrollado en la pasantía, esta tuvo lugar en el programa Licenciatura en lenguas extranjeras con énfasis en inglés, Facultad de educación y ciencias humanas, de la Universidad Córdoba ubicada en Montería – Córdoba, en la cual se asignó para llevar acabo la propuesta de pasantía según el cronograma estipulado en el plan de trabajo,estas han sido realizadas con el propósito de fortalecer y complementar la formación académica con actividades en el campo laboral específicamente en el departamento de idiomas.Publicación Acceso abierto Internship at Institution Educativa Camilo Torres under the program Bilingualism for Peace from University of Córdoba(2022-07-30) Restrepo Martínez, Ángel de Jesús; Galván Garcés, Olga LucíaThis internship was conducted at Camilo Torres High School with Bilingualism for Peace project tracing. This internship aimed to give me valuable work experience on my pedagogical intention which planned to increase students' English language communicative skills based on the formation of values they consider the lack of practice in day to day life. It also helped me to gain more authentic teaching and learning experience to enrich my professional teaching growth. The methodology implemented in class derived from Active Learning instruction in order to make my students create new knowledge by activating previous knowledge through collaborative work, promoting a sense of community. This paper confers pedagogies, methodologies, results, conclusions, recommendations and limitations of this great experience of a teaching process in which I learned and challenged myself to become an excellent teacher.