F.J. Especialización Gerencia Empresarial
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Examinando F.J. Especialización Gerencia Empresarial por Materia "Collection center"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Creación de un centro de acopio para la recepción y comercialización de productos agrícolas del municipio de San José de Uré(2022-03-26) Correa Ortiz, Fénix Patricia; Guerreo Sabino, Damaris; Pertuz Quintero, Asmet David; Parodi Camaño, Tobías AlfonsoThis project presents the creation of a collection center that improves, receives, stores, distributes and sells agricultural products in the municipality of San José de Uré Córdoba, as a degree project for the specialization in business management at the University of Córdoba. . This work responds to the specific need to prepare a study for the design, organization and financial economic evaluation of a collection center, as a tool for structuring marketing programs for small and medium-sized agricultural producers. It proposes the organization of farmers for the reception and marketing of agricultural products, through the creation of a collection center in the municipality of San José de Uré Córdoba. For the development of this initiative, studies were carried out on: market, marketing, technical, organizational, social and financial impact that demonstrate the viability of the project.