D.B.B. Monografías
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Publicación Acceso abierto Análisis de la política de seguridad del paciente en unidades renales(2021-01-26) Díaz Correa, Lizeth María; Acosta Garces, Janelis; Montañez Rubiano, Silvia Yolanda; Amador Ahumada, ConcepciónIntroduction: Concern for patient safety became a priority problem in emergency medicine and specifically in intensive care units (ICU) and renal units. Therefore, there are a number of circumstances that make the system even more vulnerable to error. Objective: To analyze the information available about the patient safety policy in renal units in order to suggest actions that allow strengthening the patient safety policy. Methodology: The type of study is descriptive, observational, monograph type of analysis of experiences. This method is suitable for the study because it allowed to focus the social and human perspective of the patients of the renal units. The corresponding population for this monograph was a total of 119 consulted bibliographic references, from the following databases: articles in academic Google, in Scielo, PROQUEST, and documentary materials obtained from the databases of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. Results: the information collected allows us to appreciate that the incidence of adverse events in patients with CKD varies in different studies, as well as in the use of different methods in their treatment. The impact that adverse events have on patients, the economic burden they imply for health services and the available evidence on measures to prevent them, have warned about the importance of including patient safety on the health policy agenda. Conclusions: In the development of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, patients are exposed to adverse events generating a cost for the renal unit and the health system; It is for this need that the implementation of the patient safety policy is proposed and the patient safety policy is promulgated, through the design of an adverse event management system, adaptation of safe institutional and healthcare practices, socialization, dissemination and feedback of the patient safety policy.Publicación Acceso abierto Percepción del personal de enfermería sobre condiciones de trabajo y salud en tiempos de pandemia en servicios de urgencias. Montería, Córdoba, 2021(2022-12-22) Torres Urango, Juan Camilo; Puello Alcocer, Elsy Cecilia; Sánchez Caraballo, Álvaro AntonioIntroducción. La pandemia desencadenada por el SARS-CoV-2 evidenció la fragilidad de muchos sistemas de salud, pero asimismo reafirmó la importancia y lo invaluable del trabajo realizado por el personal de salud, paralelamente también a visibilizado los riesgos, peligros y condiciones en las que se desempeñan. A nivel mundial la labor del personal de enfermería es considerada fundamental, ser un soporte de gran valía en los diferentes procesos institucionales. Objetivo. Determinar las condiciones de trabajo y salud percibidas por el personal de enfermería que labora en servicios de urgencias en la ciudad de Montería-Córdoba, durante la pandemia generada por el virus del COVID-19. Metodología. Estudio descriptivo, transversal con enfoque cuantitativo. Resultados. El sexo predominante fue femenino, casi su totalidad vive en estrato 1 y similar porcentaje devenga un salario mínimo legal vigente. Un alto porcentaje, considera que la institución les brinda elementos de protección personal adecuados, según tipo de vinculación, gran parte tiene orden de prestación de servicios y bolsa de empleo, lo cual se traduce en pocas garantías de estabilidad, la mayoría manifiesta que no hay coherencia entre el salario con la responsabilidad y exceso de funciones realizadas. Según su autopercepción de salud, casi todos indican que es buena, no obstante, gran porcentaje expuso signos y síntomas resultado de actividades propias del oficio: dolores de cabeza, de espalda, miedo y alteraciones del sueño, además presentaron morbilidad sentida relacionada con el trabajo (stress, rinitis alérgicas, lumbalgia) y Covid-19, como enfermedad diagnosticada. Conclusión. A pesar de la valiosa labor del personal de enfermería carecen de trabajos bien remunerados, tienen contrataciones legales que no favorecen el trabajo decente, pese a ello, un número representativo de auxiliares y profesionales expresaron que independiente del salario y de recibir o no reconocimiento institucional o de pacientes sienten un nivel de satisfacción alto con su trabajo.Publicación Acceso abierto Usos de la medicina herbaria en el manejo del dengue en indígenas de un cabildo del departamento de Córdoba(2022-02-22) Beltrán Garay, Katty Margarita; López Ortiz, María Camila; Amador Ahumada, Concepción; Valencia Jimenez, Nydia NinnaIntroduction: Dengue is a viral disease, transmitted by the Aedes aegypti female mosquito which affects all people, in any part of the world, becoming one of the main causes of mortality from vector-borne diseases; This mosquito is from warm areas such as the department of Córdoba, where different populations, such as the indigenous community of Momil, have a high risk of getting sick of dengue, due to the permanent exposure of the community to this type of arthropods. Objective: To show the uses of herbal medicine as an alternative for the treatment of dengue in the members of an indigenous community in Córdoba, so that health professionals are able to provide them health care according to their needs. Materials and methods: Descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative and micro ethnographic approach, the results will be obtained through a semi-structured interview, emphasizing general knowledge about dengue and the use of herbal medicine for the treatment of dengue, the guide of questions were applied to 20 participants of the Indigenous Council of Momil. Results: the participants of the study showed limited knowledge about the mosquito that transmits the disease; regarding dengue, it was classified as basic or medium-level knowledge, which is sufficient and important to protect themselves against the disease. In the same way, it was found that they know and practice different alternative methods for vector control and pathology treatment, making use of the different medicinal plants found in the region. Conclusions: Indigenous people live in a dengue risk area, however, they use different techniques to minimize the reproduction of the mosquito, which is why it is determined that they have protective factors. Along the same line, it was identified that indigenous people have extensive knowledge regarding the use of medicinal plants for health care, which they use as an alternative method to cure their diseases or treat their symptoms. As a consequence of this, it is considered pertinent to replicate indigenous knowledge, with the purpose of nursing professionals to understand in-depth, value, and strengthen the use of traditional medicine and the art of caring in an integrative and holistic manner.