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Publicación Acceso abierto Inteligencia emocional en la infancia y su papel en la resolución de conflictos: una revisión sistemática(2023-08-09) Martínez Medrano, Danarlys Elena; Silgado Sotelo, Glenda Marcela; Vásquez de la Hoz, Francisco JavierProblem: There seems to be limited research on the importance of emotional intelligence (EI) in childhood, particularly regarding its role in enabling children to face their problems and resolve daily conflicts. Therefore, a systematic review of the literature is needed to identify and describe the published empirical evidence on this topic. Objective: To describe emotional intelligence in childhood and its role in conflict resolution. Methodology: Following the PRISMA guidelines, articles were searched in the bibliographic indexes and databases of WoS, Scopus, Springer Open, ScienceDirect, RedALyC, Dialnet, ERIC, SciELO, and DOAJ using the search terms "Emotional Intelligence" and "Childhood" in English, and "Inteligencia Emocional" and "Infancia" in Spanish. The publications were limited to those published between 2018 and 2023 and had to meet the preestablished inclusion criteria. This resulted in 328 selected studies and 13 included studies. Results: Upon reviewing the 13 articles, no studies were found that correlated EI and conflict resolution in childhood. However, children with higher levels of EI tend to have better academic performance, empathy, and emotional self-regulation, which could help them manage conflicts more constructively and find appropriate solutions. Conclusion: There is a need to implement interventions and educational programs that promote the development of emotional intelligence from early ages, in order to foster healthy social and emotional skills in children.