Examinando por Autor "Torres Álvarez, Yudelis Leonardo"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Somatotipo en jóvenes una radiografía en talentos deportivos venezolanos(Fondo Editorial Univeridad Ezequiel Zamora (FEDUEZ), 2019) Padilla Alvarado, José Rafael; Lozada Medina, Jesús León; Torres Álvarez, Yudelis Leonardo; Cortina Núñez., Manuel de Jesús; Hoyos Espitia, Carlos ArmandoThe study of body shape has been a topic of interest for physical anthropology and human biology, as well as for psychology, which seeks to explain the relationship between structure and function in terms of human constitution. It should also be noted that, in recent years, other scientific disciplines have focused their attention on the study of physical types or morphotypes and their relationship with sports performance; such is the case of all sciences applied to sports (medicine sports, nutrition, exercise physiology and kinanthropometry).