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Publicación Acceso abierto Validación de una aplicación multiplataforma para la reducción de la ansiedad en jóvenes universitarios(2021-06-23) Morales Morales, María Angélica; Toro Rodríguez, Paula Andrea; Hernández Riaño, Helman EnriqueIn this investigation project, we wanted to reduce the anxiety of young people in their university stage, through an application prototype, which combined the therapies, considering the impact of the changes they present both at a social, economic and cultural level. According to the National Institutes of Health, between the ages of 13 and 18, about 1 in 3 adolescents may develop an anxiety disorder. To make it, The ISRA B instrument was used, Inventory of Anxiety Situations and Responses, which assesses the cognitive, physiological, and motor responses of anxiety, giving as reference certain situations. In addition, therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy were implemented, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, and theotherapy through an application prototype. It was used a sample of 68 students from the faculty of industrial engineering, first and ninth semester, from the University of Cordoba of the period 2020-2. In addition, pretended to make a contribution to the way in which non-pathological anxiety and be treated in a simple way, without so much time demand, and without the need for a high economic resource, through the combination of the therapies mentioned above, without pretending to replace the work of specialized personnel and the methods used in psychology