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Publicación Acceso abierto La huerta, un espacio para el intercambio y aprendizaje de saberes comunitarios y escolares sobre el uso de plantas cotidianas en la comunidad de la Institución Educativa Policarpa Salavarrieta(2023-02-14) Barrios Maldonado, Luisa Fernanda; Soto Álvarez, Jisell Alejandra; Cadavid Velásquez, Edith De JesúsThe research project was based on the need to value the garden as a space for learning about the use of everyday plants in the community of the Policarpa Salavarrieta Educational Institution from the exchange of community and school knowledge with 10th grade students, in addition led to the promotion of interest in the use of plants and care for the environment. We worked under a qualitative methodology, in which the dialogic nature of hermeneutics was used to obtain each result throughout the process. The population with which we worked in this project was the 10th grade students of said institution who were part of the school technical average, in addition to the participation of 5 parents and 5 teachers. The instruments used to obtain the data for the development of the project were the interview, the photographic record and the checklist. The results were satisfactory, the students had knowledge about the types of plants to plant in the garden, such as medicinal, fruit, vegetable and ornamental plants, in consolidation of teamwork, likewise the collaboration of the teacher was of vital importance in the course of this process. It was concluded that the activities outside the classroom influence the motivation of the students and continue learning about specific topics, this type of activities manages to capture their attention almost completely, which allows the student to become more participatory and obtain an eloquent learning.Publicación Acceso abierto I simposio Internacional sobre Investigación en la enseñanza de las ciencias(Fondo Editorial Universidad de Córdoba, 2020-12-13) Caldera Salcedo, Diana Patricia; Pérez Palencia, Katy Paola; Gómez Causil, Liana Paulina; Hernández Hernández, Oscar; Doria Rojas, Mary Luz; Castillo Simanca, Hernando; Rodríguez Acosta, Jorge Luis; Segura Contreras, Mónica; Mendoza Arizal, Hugo Nelson; Cadavid Velásquez, Edith de Jesús; García Prasca, Jorge Mario; Hoyos Begambre, Alejandro; Salgado Vargas, José Alberto; Caraballo Pinedo, Jair; Díaz Meza, Diana Carolina; Lineros Arias, Juan Carlos; Jaraba Gómez, Nayra; Castro Lozano, Brandon; Mendoza Fuentes, Carmelo Antonio; Padilla Ballesta, Luis Daniel; Vega Durango, Carolina; Flórez Nisperuza, Elvira Patricia; Ortiz González, katy Yulisa; Plaza Padilla, Marelvis; González Rivas, Martha Sofía; Benjumea Velásquez, Nahit Fernanda; Camacho Contreras, María Fernanda; Barón Pantoja, Víctor Samuel; Humánez Yánez, Bladimir; Maturana Correa, Oli Yojaydy; Jiménez Cuabas, Juliana Cristina; Lozana Ramos, Dayana Patricia; Mármol Pitalua, Iván David; Doria López, Keissy Del Carmen; Carvajal Prada, Kare; Amador-Rodríguez, Rafael; Mercado Avila, Karen; Pérez Puche, Elvira Isabel; Solano Tenorio, Evaristo Manuel; Páez García, Julio César; Yepes Soto, Luisa Fernanda; Pardo Olmos, Artaban Manuel; López, María Camila; Hernández Agamez, Adelina; Mena Córdoba, Sandra Victoria; Viloria Herrera, Carolina; Sánchez Díaz, Danna; De la Cruz González, Lizeth Paola; Pérez Vásquez, Nabi del Socorro; Esquivel Grau, Jesús Alberto; Morelo Ojeda, Melisa Andrea; Daza Rosales, Silvio Fernando; Gómez Torres, Paola Yasmin; Carrascal Chica, Yulieth Dayana; Sarmiento Pérez, Daniela Saray; Rubio Andrade, Hanner Luis; Tapias Nisperuza, Guillermo Miguel; Arrieta Vidal, Weiner Miguel; Yanez Guillin, Yeison; Vidal Herrera, Juan Fernando; Rojas Miranda, Audis Paola; Pila Mendoza, Biena Andrea; Ruiz Castillo, María Luisa; Pacheco Aguilar, Andis; Almanza Algarín, Ángel Alfredo; Luna Redondo, Johann Sebastián; Méndez Mercado, Daniel Eduardo; Cháves Hernández, Srinkala Devidasi; De las Salas Reyes, Adela; Luna Pestana, Marisol Ivanna; Barrios Maldonado, Luisa Fernanda; Soto Álvarez, Jisell Alejandra; Acevedo, Diego; Polo, Hérnan; Iglesias Doria, Paula Andrea; Perneth López, Javier Eduardo; Martínez Suarez, Keidy Johana; Salcedo Murillo, Karol Sofia; Pérez Ortiz, Gabriela; Gómez Mestra, Ricardo Andrés; Navarro Bolaño, Disneyla; Amador-Rodríguez, Rafael; Delgado Barreto, Karen Esther; Corena Parra, Jaime Fernando; Ojeda Martínez, Adriana; Pastrana Santana, Camilo Andrés; Burgos Barba, María José; Hernández Díaz, Yuliza; Vásquez Montes, Dayana Mishell; Esteban Muñoz, Javier Andrés; Gómez Aguilar, Dora Luz; Riveros Toro, Carlos Mario; Retrepo Sánchez, Diana Chaveli; Retamosa Polo, Kelly Johanna; Hernández Luna, Sandra Vanessa