Examinando por Autor "Sierra Ennis, Karina Patricia"
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Publicación Restringido Estilos de aprendizaje en educación preescolar(2022-08-01) Sierra Ennis, Karina Patricia; Bustos G., María Magdalena; Gómez Gallego, DianaThis work is a compilation-type monograph focused on the topic of learning styles in preschool education, for which three categories were taken: cognitive style, learning style and thinking style; with the intention of expanding the conceptual framework, knowing the classification of these styles and contextualizing their importance in preschool education. In the same way, establish a relationship between them and emphasize learning styles, such as cognitive, affective, and physiological traits that affect learning and that must be identified by teachers, to guide their teaching and pedagogical-didactic strategies according to them.; looking for significant learning. Research related to the subject is located, at the international, national, and local level as references to learn about the subject under review