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Publicación Acceso abierto Efectos secundarios del tratamiento farmacoterapéutico de hipertensión en pacientes de 18 a 30 años en el CAMU de La granja del municipio de Montería Córdoba(2020-11-24) Pérez Vega, Juan Camilo; Segovia Amador, Vicky; Segura Usuga, María Auxiliadora; Seña Contreras, Lizzette Saudith; Galeano Anaya, Ketty Esther; Guzmán Terán, Camilo AntonioIntroduction: Hypertension is a chronic and slowly progressive disease that occurs at any age and is generally asymptomatic, which after several years causes significant damage to target organs. The control of hypertension is a complex and multidimensional process in which its only objective should be prevention and early detection in order to provide optimal and timely treatment, to avoid health-related problems caused by this disease. Objective: To identify the secondary effects in patients with arterial hypertension aged 18 to 30 years with pharmacological treatment with antihypertensive drugs in the Camus de la Granja in the city of Montería. Methodology: descriptive, quantitative, cross-sectional study. Results: a study was carried out to identify the side effects associated with hypertensive medication and as a result around 21 symptoms were obtained. Conclusion: With this project it was possible to identify the secondary effects that are possibly occurring due to the consumption of hypertensive therapy; within these effects were obtained: diarrhea, followed by stomach upset and headache.