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Publicación Acceso abierto Nivel de cumplimiento del ciclo pamec de las empresas sociales del estado del municipio de Cereté Córdoba, año 2022(Laura Rubio Cantero, 2023-01-20) Rubio Cantero, Laura Vanessa; Villalba Durango, Juan CamiloQuality in the health area, as in any other area, provides added value in the search for continuous improvement, understanding quality as the predictable degree of uniformity and reliability at a low cost. The audit program for the improvement of quality (PAMEC) is an instrument for the evaluation and improvement of the quality observed with respect to the expected quality, and the State Social Enterprises (ESEs) are obliged to implement this program in order to improve their processes following its critical path to provide a quality service that achieves user satisfaction. For this reason, the objective of this work was to determine the level of compliance with the PAMEC cycle of the State Social Enterprises of the municipality of Cereté in the department of Córdoba. Through a cross-sectional descriptive study with a quantitative approach, whose study population consisted of the E.S.E. Sandiego Hospital and the E.S.E. CAMU del Prado, in which the PAMEC checklist was used for data collection, with a scale divided into components by the ranges; 1 (Complies), 2 (Partially complies) and 3 (Does not comply). The level of compliance with the PAMEC cycle of the Empresas Sociales del Estado hospital Sandiego was 93% and of the ESE CAMU del Prado 68%, considering that there were requirements that were in the process of being met. It is worth noting the commitment of these companies to the continuous improvement of their processes in order to provide quality care.