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Publicación Acceso abierto Paralelo de los Costos Logísticos de Zonas Francas Permanentes Especiales Vs Entidades sin Régimen Franco: Caso IMAT Oncomédica S.A.(2019-08-20) Pacheco Mercado, Sandra Marcela; Piñeres Castillo, DanielaThe purpose of this monograph is to make a parallel of the logistic import costs, as a special permanent free zone in front of a company that does not have a free regime: Case of IMAT SA located in the city of Montería (Córdoba) dedicated to the health sector in Special in Oncomedicos and Cardiovascular treatments, this currently wishes to expand its portfolio of services and for this requires the import of a medical equipment. This will be done through bibliographic references, in which the regulations of the Special Permanent Free Zones (ZFPE) in Colombia will be indicated for the import of the Medical Equipment (Linear Accelerator), likewise the parallel of the logistic import costs of the medical team as a Special Permanent Free Zone with respect to a company that does not have a free regime and finally the competitive advantages in the logistics operations of the Special Permanent Free Zone will be established. On the other hand, a series of conclusions will be made so that IMAT .S.A can choose the best import modality from the United States taking into account the logistic costs, the delivery time of the merchandise and the competitive advantages.