Examinando por Autor "Pastrana Cavadía, María Camila"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Aprendizaje colaborativo mediante entornos tecnológicos para la regulación de procesos motivacionales relacionados con la ansiedad escolar(2023-02-17) Aguirre Díaz, Esteban; Pastrana Cavadía, María Camila; Sierra Pineda, Isabel AliciaThrough the present work, the investigation of how collaborative learning in integration with some of the existing technological platforms can contribute to reducing the levels of school anxiety that some students are presenting today can be reduced, and as at the moment the interaction with technological applications influences a better level of attention and interest, therefore the understanding of the topics and the quality of learning are affected. By improving self-efficacy or sense of competence, after the intervention process and from the results it can be seen that there is a lower level of school anxiety; There are changes that allow us to conclude from the pretest-posttest comparison the presence of significant differences in anxiety levels before and after the application of the collaborative environment mediated by technological environments. In the study, in the first instance, the anxiety test is applied and then the selfefficacy test to the students to determine how their previous levels are. Subsequently, mediated activities and tasks were introduced with the use of technological tools in collaborative and group work environments, followed by a new application of the initial tests, which helps to determine if collaborative learning through technological environments helps or not to reduce levels. of school anxiety, and determine how much value this application adds in different aspects of the emotional dimension evidenced as a sense of competence and not only in intellectual performance.