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Publicación Acceso abierto Proyecto de cooperación internacional dirigido a la creación de una asociación de agricultores en el corregimiento de San Anterito, Córdoba, con el fin de mejorar la Situación económica y social de estos campesinos.(2021-08-11) Caballero Barón, Yina Marcela; Ossa Betin, José Alfredo de la; Francisco Antonio, Bárcenas MerlanoSince ancient times, agriculture can be defined as the production, marketing and supply of crops, being a backbone of the economic system of many nations, as it contributes to social and economic progress. Agriculture plays a very important role in the economic development of countries and on a larger scale in underdeveloped countries, because a good percentage of its population depends on it for their livelihood and even subsistence. Colombia is characterized by being a producing country and a large part of its income comes from the agricultural sector. On the other hand, the department of Córdoba is categorized as one of the most fertile in the country, since its geographical and climatic conditions provide excellent space for quality crops and farming. However, in many areas of Córdoba, as it is the case of the village of San Anterito, where the population is mostly peasant and their main source of income is agriculture, based on traditional farming, these families do not have the necessary guarantees to sell their productions fairly and there are no associations that defend or protect their economic interests in the market, which has generated economic crisis and uncertainty in the population, since their quality of life is directly related to the sales of crops , of which a large percentage are poorly sold or simply not sold. Therefore, the objective of this study is to contribute to the economic development of farmers in the San Anterito district. To this end, our project proposes the creation of an association of farmers in this district, which guarantees them to improve on a large scale the options for the sale of their crops, giving them the option of choosing the most convenient buyer and at the most fair price, It would greatly improve their quality of life, giving them more job opportunities and even recognition in the market, based on strategies and techniques that boost their productions in the market and also use the land responsibly.