Examinando por Autor "Ospino Pérez, Adriana Elena"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Síndrome del edificio enfermo en el área de calidad de una entidad prestadora de salud(2022-03-09) Ospino Pérez, Adriana Elena; Espitia Cabralez, Enalbis EstherSick Building Syndrome (SBS) is a disease recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), which affects more than 20% of the occupants of a building, presenting nonspecific symptoms while they are in the place of origin. , as they move away, the symptomatology fades, hence, the present work consists of determining the presence of SEE in the workers of the functional unit of the quality area of the Clinic of Traumas and Fractures-Associated Specialists SA For this, a cross-sectional study was carried out with the information collected in the entity and it was analyzed focused on the stated objectives; so that the results show the presence of the symptoms associated with the Sick Building Syndrome, such as: throat, mouth, nose, eye, respiratory, general and skin disorders.