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Publicación Acceso abierto Percepción en la calidad de vida de cuidadores de pacientes con cuidados paliativos adscritos a una institución prestadora de salud. Montería, 2022(2023-02-23) Urriago De La Espriella, Aurelia; Montalvo Nisperuza, Carmen; Granada Montes, María Paula; Ortega Oviedo, StellaObjective: To describe the perception of quality of life that caregivers of patients with palliative care assigned to a tertiary health care institution in the city of MonteríaCórdoba have in the period 2022. Methodology: descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach in a sample of twenty caregivers of patients in palliative care. To obtain the information, the Betty Ferrell quality of life instrument was used. Results: The caregivers of patients with palliative care in the study ranged from a minimum age of 30 years to a maximum of 74 years, most of them female, housewives, low and medium level of education, and stratum 1 and 2. The quality of life of the participants in the physical and psychological dimensions denote negative alteration due to pain, exhaustion, eating and sleep changes; likewise, to the anguish for the diagnosis and treatment of the patient, and the fear of a relapse; while the social and spiritual dimensions are perceived positive, because of the support of other people to satisfy the care of their loved one, because their personal relationships and sexual life have not been affected and their work at home allows it. Likewise, the support they receive from religious activities, and meeting their needs through prayer and meditation, these dimensions being an aspect that can effectively influence the quality of life of these caregivers to the extent that it can compensate and / or make the conditions identified in the other two dimensions more bearable. Conclusion: The results on the perception of the quality of life of the participants show that the physical and psychological dimension of these is negatively affected by the overload that care has generated, such as exhaustion, pain, sleep and eating disorders; while the social and spiritual dimensions are not affected, evidenced by the fact that they find support in their role as caregivers in their environment, occupation, social life and beliefs, despite the economic overload that their relative's situation entails.