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Publicación Acceso abierto Diversidad de macrohongos xilófagos (basidiomicetos y ascomicetos) en la estación ecológicas las guartinajas, Tierralta-Córdoba(Estación Ecológica Las Guartinajas, 2022-11-17) Pérez Espitia, Karen Dallana; Pacheco Martinez, Luz Elena; Montes, Gabriel; Hoyos, Alejandro; Mogollón, MarthaFungi are fundamental in ecosystems due to their degrading or disintegrating activity of organic substances, mineralizing them. In addition, they have a great capacity for adaptation and can develop on any medium or surface, both in forests and in cities. (Viña, 2014). Despite being a very diverse group, there is currently a huge information gap, especially in humid forests. Therefore, a study was carried out in order to evaluate the diversity of the fruiting bodies of xylophagous Macrofungi (Basidiomycota and Ascomycota) at the Las Guartinajas Ecological Station, Tierralta, Córdoba. For this study, two field trips were carried out, in which five tours were carried out for each trip, with a sampling effort of three hours, in addition, transepts 50 meters long by 2 meters wide were established; the specimens were collected and fixed with varnish to be transferred to the microbiology laboratory of the University of Córdoba, for their respective description and identification. The results show a total of 1452 individuals, of which 142 were collected and 130 identified, of these 119 Basidiomycota and 11 Ascomycota, distributed in 11 orders, 29 families, 42 genera and 130 morphospecies; The most abundant morphospecies are Earliela scabrosa, Auricularia auricula and Schizophyllum commune and the less abundant Daldinia concentrica, Marasmius elegans, Polyporus varius, lentinus flexipes and favolus brasiliensis, representing a single individual. the diversity indices showed a high diversity for Shannon with a value of H: 4.092 and a low dominance for Simpson, with a value of D: 0.9759.