Examinando por Autor "Monterrosa Oviedo, Jaider Enrique"
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Publicación Acceso abierto A Personal Leadership Statement(Universidad de Cordoba, 2023-12-20) Lopez Macea, Maria Jose; Monterrosa Oviedo, Jaider Enrique; Vargas Soto, Maria lucia; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloSchools have started to understand the importance of adapting their curricula to the changing needs of today's world putting significantly more effort in preparing their educators to lead and teach so. The current statement explores the significance of transformational leadership, particularly within the context of foreign language classrooms, including a transformational leadership plan designed by three under-graduated foreign language student teachers from Universidad de Córdoba. Thus, this statement approaches a personal perspective that captures our existing understanding of leadership. It delves into different leadership concepts, our assumptions on transformational leadership, and the implications that collaborative work and empowerment have in our practices as future teacher leaders. The transformational leadership plan that we propose in this statement aims to empower school communities to generate a more dynamic and forward-thinking educational setting.