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Publicación Acceso abierto Ansiedad en profesionales de enfermería de primera línea en tiempos de pandemia por COVID-19, 2021(2022-07-15) Cortés Arcia, Daniela; Mercado Guzmán, Orlando Jesús; Herrera Guerra, Eugenia del Pilar; Sánchez Caraballo, Álvaro AntonioObjective: to evaluate the levels of anxiety that the front-line nursing staff of a tertiary care health service provider institution have, in times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Methodology: cross-sectional descriptive quantitative study of correlational scope. The population consisted of 23 nursing professionals on the front line of care for patients with COVID-19, who completed the Beck Anxiety Inventory in its adaptation to Spanish. Data were analyzed using correlational descriptive statistics (Rho Spearman). In all phases of the study, the ethical research criteria were met. Results: the average age was 30 years (SD=4.99), 69.57% were women, 65.22% without postgraduate studies. The mild anxiety level prevailed (52.17%). The most frequent anxiety symptoms were those of an affective type such as nervousness (43%) and being scared (48%). It was found that the factors related to the level of anxiety were marital status (Spearman's Rho=0.49) and the perception of care for patients with COVID-19 (Spearman's Rho= -0.37). Conclusion: The findings of this research suggest that front-line nursing professionals have high levels of anxiety when they have an established loving bond and when they perceive care in a negative way (uncomfortable, dangerous), therefore the levels of anxiety could decrease by improving the perception of security in the provision of care, and with education on the subject of anxiety to guarantee monitoring of mental health in the work environment.