Examinando por Autor "Mejìa Ramos, Leidys Adriana"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Listening comprehension through picture storybook strategy in kindergarten students(2022-09-02) Mejìa Ramos, Leidys Adriana; Arrieta Carrascal, AdolfoPicture Story Books (PSBs) is a pedagogical tool consisting of text and illustrations that allow students to develop the process of pre-reading skills, emergent literacy, and comprehension skills. This research study attempted to use Picture storybook strategy (PSBs) as a tool to encourage students’ listening comprehension development. The issue addressed the lack of materials teachers use in preschool to teach English as a second language, therefore, teachers implement strategies that do not consider specific students learning' needs. Furthermore, there has not been sufficient data that describes the use of strategies drawn to stimulate children’s foreign language listening development during the preschool years. The purpose of this Action Research study was to describe how the use of Picture Story Books favors or not on students’ listening comprehension in preschool levels in a private bilingual school in Monteria. In addition, the study described how the use of the strategy contributes to the professional development of English as a Foreign Language Teachers (EFL). In order to accomplish the objective of this Action Research, some interventions were carried out based on students’ needs and the development of their listening comprehension skills. Moreover, this Action Research follows a model of four steps; Plan, Act, Observe, and Reflect. Analysis of classroom observations, students’ artifacts, and teacher’s diary were used to collect the data and reflect on the practical ways teachers provide to assist the specific situations in the classroom.