Examinando por Autor "Karen Miley, Cogollo Segura"
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Publicación Acceso abierto IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE UN SISTEMA DE INFORMACIÓN WEB MULTIPLATAFORMA EN PHP JAVASRIPT Y MYSQL UTILIZANDO LA METODOLOGÍA APLICADA PARA EL CONTROL DE PROCESOS JURÍDICOS EN LA GOBERNACIÓN DE CÓRDOBA.(2016-08-23) Karen Miley, Cogollo SeguraThe office of legal counsel of the Government of Córdoba's main function is the legal defense department, covering all kinds of processes that occur against the government, but presents difficulties when carrying an efficient control of these, that is, unaware of the amount of active processes, the states through which it's been a process, duplication, lack of information, expiration of terms is presented, among others, which negatively affects their performance, because they only have a Microsoft Excel to be powered by a single lawyer depending on the information that each attorney provide either by telephone, email or reports in physical, and in this case as it advances the process becomes very difficult for management to take control the current status of the processes. For this reason it seeks to solve the problem by creating a web information system platform, for this a requirements analysis, design and system development and implementation, in order to enable them to fulfill institutional policies which ensure that the legal proceedings are taken is necessary to correctly , organized and controlled in each of the activities that advance in it and avoid disciplinary suspensions by the attorney general way.