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Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-17) Arroyo Martínez, Omar Yesid; Flórez Torreglosa, José Gregorio; Iglesias Portillo, Isabella; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloWhat effect does leadership have on society? To answer this question, it is necessary to clarify the concept of leadership and how this concept has changed over the years. This phenomenon has had great transcendence but so far, no precise definition has been obtained, therefore there are several opinions that have been taken as references to build a concept. A statement that helps us to get closer to the meaning of leadership is that Daft (2008) has stated, “Leadership occurs among people; it is not something done to people” (p.5). We can define leadership as a relationship between a person who leads and another who follows with a common purpose; these are features that become indispensable for leadership to exist. This statement will focus on teacher leadership. The rest of this statement consists of our assumptions about leadership empowerment and implications for the future, and conclusions.