Examinando por Autor "Hernández Galeano, Herlit Herlei"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Creación de una empresa recicladora y peletizadora de plásticos (PET) Puerto Caribe en el municipio de Puerto Escondido en el departamento de Córdoba, 2021(2022-03-10) Hernández Galeano, Herlit Herlei; Ricardo Conde, Henry Enrique; Vanegas Buelvas, NéstorA project development is presented for the creation of a recycling company in the Paz de Puerto Escondido Municipality - Cordoba Department, which will be called PUERTO CARIBE LTDA. The main objective of RAPAZ company will be to offer a significant environmental improvement through a methodology of waste material recycling and commercialization mainly generated in the municipality. The project feasibility is found from the meeting point between economic, environmental and social aspects, bringing together findings from different components of the project, such as the generation of an economic model, a solid waste management, a separation at source culture and tax benefits to economic sectors involved in a recycling culture according to agreements with the Puerto Escondido Mayor's Office, all for the sake of progress and implementation of a new environmental awareness in the community. The project followed the PMBOK guidelines according to the strategies proposed for each of the activities planned in the development of the company. It was found that the capital investment will be recovered in the first year of the project operation, as well as the collection of recyclable waste increases exponentially as the community and industry environmental awareness also do. The lack of community learning initiatives on issues related to solid waste recycling it was a restriction to launch surveys, why it was necessary to carry out waste recycling trainings for the selected staff.