Examinando por Autor "Herazo Hoyos, César"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Actualización del procedimiento de admisiones de pacientes de urgencias en la E.S.E. Hospital San José de San Bernardo del Viento en Córdoba(2022-03-17) Campo De La Rosa, Argenis; Herazo Hoyos, CésarThe admission service is the door of entry and exit of patients, since it is responsible for receiving and causing the first impression to the user and relatives; it is responsible for recording their identification data, assigning the care unit (bed) install it and initiate care services to promote, protect or restore your health. therefore, the present study aims to design an improvement plan focused on updating the admission procedure in the emergency area E.S.E Hospital San José de San Bernardo del Viento in Córdoba, to enable you to achieve higher levels of efficiency in your operations. Moreover, the methodology implemented is based on a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Therefore, the results are that most of the users surveyed consider that the assessment by the physician in the emergency department is late, in addition most of the users consider that the emergency service usually remains congested. Likewise, it is concluded that, for ESE San José Hospital, the failure to update the admission procedure reflects poor management and patient care, For this reason, the new update in the admission procedure allows the Hospital to be efficient in the care of the patient, as it decreases admission times and contributes to the immediate care of the patient admitted by an emergency departmentPublicación Acceso abierto Diseño básico de carta de deberes y derechos para el área de SIAU de la ESE Camu de Momil en Córdoba(2023-02-13) Marisol, Velasquez Peralta; Herazo Hoyos, CésarEl conocimiento de los usuarios sobre sus derechos y deberes en salud es de suma importancia, ya que, mediante la comprensión de estos, podrán tener clara potestad de elegir en que institución de salud recibirán atención médica y obtendrán buen trato con el personal que labora en la misma. Además, le permitirá al usuario crear responsabilidades en cuanto al cuidado y protección de su salud. Es por lo que existen normas, en las cuales se rigen las Empresas Sociales del Estado E.S.E, Instituciones Prestadores de servicios de Salud I.P.S y las Entidades Promotoras de Salud E.P.S existentes para dar información clara y veraz a sus usuarios. Entre ellas está la ley estatutaria 1751 de 2015, la cual en su artículo 1° tiene como objeto garantizar el derecho fundamental a la salud, regularlo y establecer sus mecanismos de protección y la Resolución 229 de 2020, que habla de los lineamientos de la carta de los derechos y deberes de las personas afiliadas al Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud – SGSSS.Publicación Acceso abierto Estudio de clima organizacional en la ESE CAMU Santa Teresita del municipio de Lorica- Córdoba, segundo semestre 2020(2020-11-29) Meléndez Bravo, Karen; Morelo Bravo, Aychel; Herazo Hoyos, CésarThis research refers to the factors that in one way or another affect the organizational climate of the ESE CAMU Santa Teresita de Lorica Córdoba during the second half of 2020. It is necessary to take into account that, if an entity, organization or company aims to function more efficiently and achieve optimal development, it is essential that its internal intellectual resource, be it human capital, human resource or human talent, maintains a conducive environment where the values and principles of the entity govern. Within the health systems, everything related to the employee is treated very thoroughly, taking into account the different dimensions and specializations, their way of acting or behaving in any situation, the entity's reason for being, its purpose, its culture, its values and its principles. With the launch of this research work, it is sought to determine how culture, behavior, values, education, leadership and external factors can influence or affect the organizational climate; identifying that the discrepancy when making decisions, can generate certain conflicts that can affect the good work environment, since it generates tension, disagreement and discomfort when carrying out the tasks on the part of some collaborators; The causes will be prioritized, which not only affect the institution's staff, but each and every one of the people who may receive the service provided. When detecting this problem, through a questionnaire carried out by Google drive to the members of the institution, it will seek to determine a solution to such an incident, in which the experiences that the collaborators have are not affected, and what better way to determine it that by means of the identification of the origins that promote a bad work climate in the ESE Camú Santa Teresita, in order to propose solution strategies that are aimed at improving the organizational efficiency represented in the satisfaction to the end user; in turn, the entity is expected to 11 implement the strategies proposed at the end of the investigation, which are focused on improving the employment situation.Publicación Acceso abierto Identificación de necesidades de capacitación para líderes del sector salud en Montería-Córdoba(2023-02-09) Sotelo Flórez, Yudis Arleth; Herazo Hoyos, CésarHealth institutions require the adoption of strategies that are in accordance with the needs of their leaders and challenges of the environment, in order to remail curret and in the innovation of theircompetences with regard to a better management of the institutions and their different health áreas and provide safety to the patient or user. In such an interpretation, it is necessary to address managerial aspects such as leadership, decisión-making, health quality, planning, biling and auditing in health leaders. For the development of this work, the general objective is to identify the training needs of the leader sor managers of the companies in the health sector in montería, where issues related to these needs and training that is given in each one of them are addressed they. The methodology used was a mixed quantitative and quantitative approach, for which consultations, data collection and information analysis must be carriet out. It is developed study for the training needs in managerial aspects of the leaders of the heralth sector. Seeking to improve their skills in the training or training model.Publicación Acceso abierto Modelo básico de plan estratégico, enfocado en mejorar la comunicación para colaboradores, pacientes y sus familiares en la E.S.E Camu de Momil en Córdoba 2022(2023-02-08) Viloria Oviedo, Salimeth Melith; Herazo Hoyos, CésarIntroduction: strategic planning helps to achieve greater development and higher quality in the performance of its professionals, which makes it important to implement strategic plans in Healthcare Provider Institutions (IPS) that allow continuous improvement of the quality of care, planning and organizing. through strategies aimed at reducing and, where possible, eliminating the presence of shortcomings in the different areas of an institution. Objective: The objective of this proposal is to design a strategic plan for the quality area focused on educational strategies for collaborators, patients and their families, which consists of planning and organizing educational talks on patient safety, where a list is stipulated with the names of the talks, dates and times in which the institution will carry out each of the planned talks, in order to improve the communication processes of the ESE CAMU of Momil in Córdoba. Methodology: this intervention proposal is carried out with the purpose of planning strategies that contribute to the improvement of communication processes between users, family members and collaborators of the E.S.E CAMU of Momil, having as a priority accessibility, opportunity, continuity, effectiveness and comprehensiveness of health services, likewise, it is pertinent to analyze the causes and consequences in which this problem has been generated, which must be addressed immediately to prevent complications that weaken communication processes and incidentally affect the well-being of users. The diagnosis was made through the checklist instrument (annex), which was applied in the quality area of the institution, allowing to identify and analyze the current situation of the institution with respect to the internal conditions that it has in terms of good communication practices from collaborators to users and vice versa. (Review what has to do with communication, strategic planning, user well-being) Results: Based on the review of the strategic planning and communication processes, after the diagnosis found, the shortcomings in the planning processes were identified. strategy and communication, thus managing to apply improvement strategies that guaranteed the satisfaction of the users and the staff that work in the institution, so that they are kept informed of where their consultation is, the time, who will attend them, where, the order of appointment and that they arrive at punctual hours. Then, with the collaboration of the assistance, administrative and user staff, it was possible to collect the necessary information for (planning and organization of communication strategies to improve the information processes for inside and outside) in the institution.