Examinando por Autor "García Villadiego, Neifer"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Implementación de un sistema de votación electrónica basado en la tecnología blockchain para las elecciones estudiantiles en la Universidad de Córdoba(2019-08-06) García Villadiego, Neifer; Gómez Gómez, JorgeElectronic voting has sought to improve popular election processes on paper, addressing key points such as increasing efficiency and reducing errors that may arise in this complex process due to the number of people participating in these events, which are key to the development of a society. Blockchain is a booming technology, has characteristics that could contribute to the development of systems capable of giving confidence to the people involved in a popular election. With this work, an effort is made to implement the blockchain technology in an electronic voting system, which is oriented towards transparency. A web interface was developed for the interaction of the election administrator (to register the candidates and voters) and the voters (who will vote) with the system, implementing Hyperledger Fabric, which provides the blockchain network and a state database of the network (CouchDB).