Examinando por Autor "Espitia Correa, Edinson"
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Publicación Acceso abierto La analogía como estrategia metodológica para la transición del pensamiento nocional al pensamiento conceptual en Ciencias Naturales en estudiantes de básica primaria(2022-01-22) Espitia Correa, Edinson; Hernández Álvarez, Pedro Nel; Sierra Pineda, IsabelAnalogies in the educational context are considered as a strategy of great didactic importance, since its implementation the learning of new knowledge is favored by resorting to ideas or concepts acquired in advance. The objective of this research was to reveal the value of analogies within the process of transition from notional to conceptual thinking in science learning and its evidence in the didactic practice of fourth grade elementary school teachers at the Santa Fe de Ralito school. The methodology was of a qualitative approach approached from an interpretive and case study type character. Regarding the results, from the results it was found that the teachers empirically use different types of analogies in the development of the natural sciences class, however, little appropriation is evidenced in their design from the teaching planning. The implementation of different strategies that link the use of analogies in science didactics is suggested as an option to improve student learning.