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Publicación Acceso abierto Implementación de un programa de educación ambiental en Fundación Casalud año 2022(2023-01-28) Durango Alvarino, David Sebastián; Burgos Rodríguez, Ledis EdithEnvironmental education is a process through which individuals obtain the judgment elements, the intellectual tools, and the practical skills to prevent, face, and solve environmental problems in a way that allows for environmentally sustainable and socially equitable development. (GonzalezGaudiano 1997). Taking into account the above, an environmental education program was implemented as an environmental support strategy in the Casalud Foundation, seeking thereby to generate habits that develop an environmental cultural process within the institution. For this, a diagnosis was made that allowed to identify the current situation on the use and saving of electricity, water and solid waste management in the institution. Therefore, surveys were carried out, based on the qualitative d escriptive method that consists of the collection of quantifiable information, for its subsequent statistical analysis. The previous evidences compiled, resulted in a low knowledge on issues related to environmental culture. Therefore, elements and tools w ere designed and applied as a mechanism of empowerment and assertive communication of the strategy proposed in the program, the thematic areas addressed correspond to environmental education, practice of the three Rs, use and saving of natural resources. L ikewise, it was developed within the framework of the implementation, where participation, analysis and recognition of the context, led to the intervention with strategies that gave alternatives for what to do pedagogically consistent with the values that allowed the recognition of oneself, of the natural, social and cultural, in an attempt to contribute to a model of environmental preservation.