Examinando por Autor "Cordero Falco, Ángel Manuel"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Implementación de la estrategia metodológica PIENSA-C, para el desarrollo del pensamiento computacional con inteligencia artificial en estudiantes de secundaria(2023-02-13) Cordero Falco, Ángel Manuel; Durango Ramos, Jorge Carlos; Muñoz Vargas, Isabel Cristina; Giraldo Cardozo, Juan CarlosThis research categorized in the line of research design of proposals and models for the incorporation and integration of computing and audiovisual media, identified the lack of methodological strategies aimed at teaching the subject of Artificial Intelligence, contributing to the development of computational thinking. From this research, we sought to implement the PIENSA-C methodological strategy developed in 2021 by the AVI research seedbed, the educational informatics department and the extension area of the University of Córdoba, making adjustments and contributing to the creation of an illustrated guide of the methodological strategy. The results that were obtained from the application of a diagnostic evaluation show the deficiency in the subject of artificial intelligence and computational thinking of the 9th grade students, during the development of the strategy, in which 33 ninth grade students took part. of the El Dorado Educational Institution, Vallejo headquarters in the city of Montería in the department of Córdoba - Colombia. Favorable results were obtained, since at the end of the intervention this aspect was improved, and it was incorporated into the institution's area plan, developing an illustrated methodological guide, adjusting the resources of the PIENSA-C 2021 methodological strategy, in addition to participating in events that allowed the socialization and dissemination of the strategy at an international level, thus achieving the objectives proposed in the research.