Examinando por Autor "Causil Castaño, Camila"
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Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-08-06) Causil Castaño, Camila; Marchena Demoya, Gabriela; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloAs documented in history, the concept of leadership was initially awarded to those who stood out in the community for having the ability to perform complex tasks. Over the years, this term has been widely applied in different fields, including education. This personal leadership statement results from research, analysis, and reflection of data that prove the importance of this phenomenon among teachers for teaching a foreign language. In addition, this paper contains relevant literature on this topic. Likewise, our own action plan and the implications for the future of our teaching work. This statement is the starting point for a future path of building leadership and empowerment in our teaching work.