Examinando por Autor "Calle Lara, Diana Carolina"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Impacto de un programa de estrategias sociometacognitivas en el nivel de desempeño de lectura crítica de los estudiantes de grado décimo de la Institución Educativa El Dorado(2022-10-01) Calle Lara, Diana Carolina; Morales Escobar, Ibeth del RosarioThis research project aims to determine the impact of a socio-metacognitive strategies to strengthen the level of critical reading performance in tenth grade students from El Dorado school, since, in the results of the Saber 11º test issued by ICFES (2020), it is evident that they have difficulties in critical reading skills. Given the need to strengthen argumentation and textual interpretation, the “PlanSuperEva” program was proposed, which is based on a socio-metacognitive reading perspective in communication, enunciation and the superstructure of the expository and argumentative texts in order to bring students closer to a critical, conscious and self-regulated reading. The research project was carried out under a qualitative methodology from the action research method which aims to the construction of knowledge and the common benefit of a community. In addition, the development of the program was carried out in three phases: diagnostic, design and evaluation; they helped to carry out the statistical-descriptive analysis of the results obtained in the diagnostic workshop with the closing workshop, which shows the significant increase that participants had in critical reading skills. Although the results were optimal, it is recommended to reinforce in the student’s competence 3, which refers to reflect on a text and evaluate its content so that the subject develops deep analysis skills and reflects from it