Examinando por Autor "Burgos Bedoya, Camila Andrea"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Evaluación de crecimiento y rendimiento de cuatro variedades y una línea avanzada de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) en el centro experimental la victoria- fedearroz Montería-Córdoba(FEDEARROZ, 2021-06-21) Burgos Bedoya, Camila Andrea; Charry Mercado, Rogers EnriqueRice (Oryza sativa L.), is a monocot belonging to the poaceae family. Worldwide, it is one of the most important crops in the agricultural sector as it is the staple food for more than half of the population, being one of the four most cultivated cereals in the world. The objective of the business practice is to establish and manage growth and yield evaluation experiments of four varieties and an advanced line of rice in the experimental center La Victoria de Fedearroz in Montería. The study was carried out under a randomized complete block design with four repetitions, and five treatments (genotypes) for each repetition. The varieties evaluated were Fedearroz 2000, Fedearroz Clearfield, Fedearroz 70, Fedearroz 67, and the advanced line Fedearroz 1368, to know which or which have better agronomic behavior, and yield, by monitoring and taking data of the variables :, phenological phases of the plant, components of yield, and evaluation of biotic damages. The results show that the Fedearroz 70 variety presented a higher yield than the other materials in all the sowing seasons, presenting the highest yield, with values of 7.62 tons, surpassing the other materials evaluated.