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Publicación Acceso abierto Medición del nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios del sistema de afiliación transaccional en la oficina del Sisbén adscrita a la Secretaría de Salud de la Alcaldía de Cereté(2022-08-09) Avilez Durango, Maria Paula; Petro Falón, Luz NeylaThe satisfaction of a user is the best reference of duty fulfilled and quality rating of a product or service. At the end of every process, this allows identifying opportunities for improvement. For this reason, the objective of this work is to describe and verify the level of satisfaction of the users of the SISBÉN office of the Ministry of Health of the municipality of Cereté Córdoba. According to this purpose, the methodology to be used is based on conducting a cross-sectional quantitative descriptive study. To carry out this study, a population of 39 users who requested services from this entity between April and July 2022 was taken, to whom a survey of ten questions was carried out, its realization was given virtually, granting the user a previous explanation of the objective and informed consent. The information obtained was entered and filed in an Excel office tool sheet and processed in it to obtain tables of absolute and relative frequencies and graphs that represented each variable studied. The results obtained were satisfactory since most of the users who acquired the service feel satisfied with the care and/or provision of the service.