Examinando por Autor "Aguas Castillo, Pedro Pablo"
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Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-09-29) González Ortiz, María Isabel; Movilla Hoyos, Kleyver Johel; Pérez García, Simón David; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThe concept and applicability of leadership has reached education. However, defining its role, goals and meanings for educators is not an easy end. After exchanging perspectives, analyzing multiple sources and discussing assumptions, a prudent consensus has emerged in this paper. That is, leadership will be addressed as a collaborative activity that inspires teachers to participate in the reflective transformation of their own career while influencing others around them to do soPublicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-03-25) Bulasco Flórez, Liliana María; Rodríguez Montiel, Lina Marcela; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloFirst of all, this document starts with the meaning of leadership and empowerment and discusses the concept of empowering leadership and how important is to put in practice is to achieve goals. Individually or collectively. It summarize the tools and measuring instruments of empowering leadership. Second, on the basis of Some researches, it shows the antecedents and effectiveness as well as about this method. Finally, the implications of characterizing ourselves as empowered leaders and all the benefits and implications for us as future teacher leaders.Publicación Acceso abierto A Personal Leadership Statement(2023-02-26) Baquero Flórez, Daniel Alberto; Cantero Arroyave, María Isabel; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloLeadership is nowadays considered one of the most important skills of the last century. It is present in our everyday life and happens in every place from a simple classroom to a big company. According to Daft (2008), Leadership involves influence, it occurs among people, and those people intentionally desire significant changes, and the changes reflect purposes shared by leaders and followers. In this sense, leadership is not only making individual decisions but working according to what surrounds us to achieve objectives and purposes; leadership is about how much we can inspire the ones who surround us.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-14) Espitia Osorio, Carolina Marcela; González Estrada, Alexander; Orozco Cerpa, Lilibeth Karina; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThis abstract explores the concept of authentic leadership and its implications for the future. It emphasizes the qualities of authentic leaders, such as confidence, transparency, and a focus on developing others. The importance of collaboration and flexible thinking in leadership is highlighted. The abstract also discusses leadership empowerment and its role in fostering autonomy and decision-making power. The plan for future teachers is to apply the knowledge gained to become leading teachers who can bring positive change to educational institutions. In conclusion, teacher empowerment is crucial for reflective and authentic teaching practices, and schools must prioritize stakeholder commitment, leadership development, and a collaborative culture for successful leadership plans.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2021-07-15) Vidal Figueredo, Andrea Carolina; Jaramillo Saez, Mary Eugenia; Galarcio Triana, Lorena Patricia; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloIn this research we seek to capture our ideas and experiences about a common ideal (teacher leadership), together our experiences gave very similar results in terms of the behavior and ease of a teacher in the classroom, helping us to find better ways to teach, to explain, and to address students.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-14) Núñez Ortiz, Daniela Sofía; Pineda Agámez, Loren's; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThis leadership statement discusses the concept of leadership which can be defined as the ability to guide, inspire, and influence others towards a common goal or vision; also, it explains the concept of moral leadership and its implications for the teaching community. It emphasizes the importance of being a leader who prioritizes the welfare of others and makes decisions based on ethical principles.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-14) Cabrera Herrera, Gilber Alberto; Cali Guzmán, Oscar David; De la rosa Hernández, Genaro Manuel; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloLeaders play a fundamental role within an organization related to their success, productivity, and employee performance. The principal task of a leader is to build and maintain a high-performing team. It is the person who seeks ways to influence the actions of formal or informal group members in the process and achieve goals with a magnetic personality that attracts people with a purpose. In today's highly competitive environment, leadership skills are essential for personal and professional growth. In the educational field, leadership plays a crucial role as it encompasses the abilities to effectively instruct students in the classroom while inspiring and motivating colleagues in the school community. Teacher leaders possess various roles and responsibilities. Based on research, the predominant roles and responsibilities of exemplary teacher leaders involve having a vision, prioritizing student achievement by setting and attaining goals, offering support, and cultivating an environment conducive to learning.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership Statement(2022-03-18) Rhenals Simanca, Eloisa; Navarro Torres, Melissa; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloSince its arrival, Leadership is a tool that has given effectiveness and transformation to the vision of people, especially schools, and for the improvement of teaching methods. This personal statement is intended to determine future concepts, elementals and practices of empowered teachers and leaders of tomorrow. Consequently, in this document, we will clarify key concepts about leadership, our assumptions, our contributions to future schools and our conclusions based on our research. Thus, the plan is to guide teachers to cultivate and empower their skills as leaders who are still hidden in them. Finally, our vision is to inspire other teachers about the positive contributions of leadership skills.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-03-18) Ruíz Cuello, Julio César; Vengoechea Díaz, Valentina; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloInstitutions are always in need of a leader. This happens because of the necessity of precise qualities that helps with the development of any process. In the educational field, schools need teacher leaders. Teachers who can promote teamwork, set goals, and help their students and college to achieve those goals. In this personal statement, we will determine our approach, qualities, and future practices as teacher leaders. Thus, in the paper, a reflection of our leadership understanding will be found which includes a variety of concepts around leadership, our assumptions about teacher leadership, empowerment, and how all of this can be used inside an educational environment. The plan is the identification of the different characteristics that are needed to become a good teacher leader. This statement sets a starting line in which our professional growth starts and goals to implement once we are inside the professional field.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-14) Rocha Lastre, Valentina del Carmen; Mejía Blanquicett, Yerson Raúl; Pérez Archila, Julio César; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloTo shape society, leadership is essential, since teachers have been charged with effectively helping, mentoring, and instructing future generations by imparting both practical information and ethical principles for lifelong learning, it is crucial that they develop strong leadership abilities in their performing. Along with referring to a personal definition of leadership from the perspective of potential teacher leaders, this statement aims to provide a broad perspective on teacher leadership for educational situations based on the contributions of numerous authors. Moreover, the primary goal of this paper is to investigate the practical implications of improving teacher leadership abilities through empowerment when supporting them in academic contexts. Thus, the proposed plan defines certain strategies to maximize the practice of a leader and empowered teacher.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2021-07-12) Muñoz Avilez, Carolay; de la Ossa Pérez, Jonathan David; Argumedo Portillo, Wendy Leonor; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThis statement starts with our leadership profile as English Teachers leaders, it mentions our strengths and the values that make a solid group. Second, it presents a background of the importance that leadership has had in mankind through history. Likewise, this paper defines our concept of leadership in education and shows the different leadership styles, emphasizing in authentic leadership. Finally, it also points out our assumptions, reflecting about some aspects that teachers should take into account to be good leaders and the relation that empowerment has in the education system.Publicación Restringido A personal leadership statement(2022-08-08) Montalvo Martínez, Thalía; Solano Bedoya, Yina Paola; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloCurrent educative institutions are more conscious of the effective effect delivered by the unused period of interpersonal abilities in leadership and, the joining of administration aptitudes within the educational field that is expanding due to the upcoming evolution of the learning process in the schools. This leadership statement summarizes the real perception of leadership in schools by focusing on the positive aspects that need to be followed in order to inspire both teachers and students to develop and discover exceptional management skills. Thus, we will provide a general overview of different concepts related to leadership, our personal assumptions, making emphasis on educational leadership and the potential abilities for empowerment, and future implications by which learners will be encouraged to become future leaders. Our purpose is to pursue and demonstrate the diverse strategies that can be useful to motivate others to believe in their skills to succeed personally and professionally at the moment of achieving individual goals and collective projectsPublicación Acceso abierto A Personal Leadership Statement(2023-02-27) Villalba Aguilar, Giomar Zarith; Ortiz Ruiz, David José; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloLeadership at the institutional level is challenging; seen as a competition among students it can be a source of contention, and it is because of this competition, even at the group level, that the ability of each individual to contribute to one another is essential in their personal growth. The best way to achieve this is to create collaborative groups and divide the work among them so they would, individually, take responsibility for the collective good, exercise, and demonstrate leadership by reflecting on their part with their peers, awakening their curiosity, and inspiring them to do it on their own. This document focuses on transformational leadership, which is the basis for changing students' mindsets to a more critical one, encouraging them to generate new ideas, being more considerate of their peers, being good listeners, and being adaptable to their circumstances. The proposed plan in the document aims to improve student learning in each school, regarding the environment and culture in which the lessons are taught.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-07-15) Guerra Villalobos, Amilkar de Luis; Agudelo Álvarez, Leandra Fernanda; Ayala Martínez, Abel Antonio; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloLeadership is one of those concepts that are very hard to define. Leadership is not just about having the power to influence others. As demonstrated by Daft (2008) "leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes" (p. 4). It means that leadership is a relationship of influence between leaders and followers who intend genuine outcomes and changes that reflect their common purposes. In this work we are going to cover from this perspective, teacher leadership involves not only the traditional roles of teaching and mentoring students, but also a broader role of contributing to the development of educational policies, programs, and practices. The other sections will focus on our assumptions of teacher leadership, leadership empowerment and implications for the Future, and conclusions.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-03-17) Chica Lloreda, Kevin Andrés; Aviléz Estrella, Lina María; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloOver the past decade, there have been many studies that have shown all classroom management difficulties and also the lack of teachers’ good strategies for solving problems in schools. One way to attack this root problem is to implement what is known as “leadership” in all the schools and mainly in teachers’ minds. This paper highlights the importance of becoming leaders in schools and implementing leadership skills with our students. The idea is to transform our current thoughts and minds to think and reason like leaders. This paper incorporates all the results and all the goals that we will achieve if we implement leadership in our classes in collaboration with the integrants' experience of the practicum. The paper proposes the success that teachers and future teachers will achieve in their classes if they implement leadership.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-03-26) Garcés Calderin, María Camila; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloAlthough Leadership has been a term used by several people, it is still not defined with certainty, many people have given their opinion and points of view about what leadership is, based on their beliefs and studies, but there is still no widely accepted definition. In this work, I show a little about what leadership is, the points of view of some experts, my assumptions about what this means, and how it can help us as future teachers in the educational field in the search to be leaders in the classroom. as well as empowerment, and implications for the future. With this, I seek to find a way to implement this concept in our daily lives as teachers to achieve successful educational leadership and make the educational experience a little more pleasant.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(Universidad de Córdoba, 2023-12-18) Bermeo Conde, Jair Andrés; Quistial Renteria, Lesly Patricia; Petro Berrocal, Natalia; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloIn education, teachers are considered as leaders responsible not only for the learning process but also for society. They often face decisions that may not align with societal interests or understanding. This is why, recognizing the crucial role of ethical decision-making and empowerment to encourage responsible citizens and critical thinkers, schools find it imperative to delve into the profound understanding of moral leadership. This paper focuses on addressing such challenges through the lens of moral leadership in education, exploring its assumptions, implications for the future, and the empowering role of teachers in shaping morally responsible individuals. This proposed statement serves as the final outcome of the Diploma course 'Lifelong Professional Development: Empowering Foreign Language Teachers'. Thus, it prepares undergraduate students to be future foreign language teacher leaders who are committed to ethical values such as justice, equality and responsibility. These values can be promoted in the classroom through the teaching of ethical content, the creation of an environment of respect and tolerance, and the modelling of ethical behaviour by the teacher.Publicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2022-03-17) Benítez Hoyos, Breitner Briceño; Vega Pérez, Carlos Daniel; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloLeadership is ingrained in our daily teaching decisions, and it is laying the groundwork for all kinds of educators to succeed in their classrooms. This paper describes our leadership plans and intentions as to future teacher leaders, also the strategies to implement. The plan is to use collaborative work that is an important practice in educational leadership, we should express our desire to share different perspectives, concepts, and analyses of our teaching roles. Thus, we can broaden our understanding of classroom processes that lead to personal and shared success. As a result, it's critical to build an inclusive workplace where everyone feels comfortable expressing their thoughts without fear of being condemnedPublicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2021-07-14) Correa Ospina, Merielen; Medina Machado, María Camila; Chávez Urango, Yenys Marcela; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloWe see ourselves as future leaders since we are persevering people who enjoy helping others and learning constantly about others' experiences. We are always trying to improve ourselves and show up our best version, in order to inspire others to believe in themselves and keep trying. We expect to serve as a support and support ourselves to those who are around in order to achieve our final goals, keeping in mind that every day is a new beginning in which your encouragement can edify a new human being, a new leader. "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." -John Quincy AdamsPublicación Acceso abierto A personal leadership statement(2023-02-16) Contreras Peña, Juan José; Pastrana Benedetti, Andrés; Aguas Castillo, Pedro PabloThis is a description of our current leadership profile and how it will help us to empower ourselves in order to get a better teacher performance.