D.C.C. Pasantías
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Examinando D.C.C. Pasantías por Autor "Chams Chams, Linda María"
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Publicación Acceso abierto Evaluación electrométrica y microbiológica de los desinfectantes titan plus 15%, biquat y citrosan utilizados en una planta procesadora de alimentos(2022-07-26) Royo Guzmán, Carmelo Segundo; Chams Chams, Linda MaríaThe implementation of disinfectants in food plants is an important aspect to guarantee safe sanitation in their process areas. The food processing plant in Planeta Rica has 3 disinfectants: Titan Plus 15% used in the areas of pasteurization, Butter and UHT, Biquat in the areas of pasteurization, spraying and butter, citrosan in the cafeteria area. These are prepared in said areas by the sanitizers. However, these do not have a reliable tool to determine the concentration. For which, several non-conformities have been generated in the plant during previous audits. For this reason, the quality control area at the Planeta Rica food processing plant proposed the objective of electrometrically and microbiologically evaluating Titan disinfectants, S. aureusATCC 25923, Klebsiella aerogenes ATCC 13048 and Candida albicans ATCC 10231. The assay turned out to be efficient because the calibration curves were a formidable tool, being the R2 of Biquat the highest 0.996. The results of the electrometric, microbiological monitoring and the antimicrobial evaluation correlated enough to suggest that the Titan Plus 15% is the only disinfectant that shortens its changeover time from 8 to 4 hours.Publicación Acceso abierto Verificación de placas Petrifilm™ RYM (Rapid Yest and Mold) 3M para estudio de las matrices de crema de leche y tampico en la planta Jenaro Pérez de la Cooperativa Colanta(2021-07-07) Ávila Fuentes, Andrés; Chams Chams, Linda MaríaThe companies dedicated to the production, packaging and distribution of food must have strict quality control mechanisms that ensure the harmlessnessof the products they manufacture, that is why the Colanta Cooperative, from the quality control area, makes adjustments to guarantee the safety of the same. In the Microbiology laboratory, it is where the analyzes are carried out that allow verifying the quality compliance established for each of the manufactured products. However, these methods require verification to demonstrate that it meets the requirements to be used under laboratory conditions and in turn comply with the provisions of Resolution 1619 of 2015. This is the case of the verification of PetrifilmTM RYM in the Jenaro Pérez-Medellín plant that was carried out under strict protocols, which provided reliable results, which allows use for the analysis of the products in question, this can be verified with the variables to be determined (intermediate precision, bias and recovery percentage) The values of which expressed in the results meet these conditions to be put into routine for the matrices analyzed (milk cream and Tampico). With all the results obtained, it can be determined that the alternative method has all the conditions to be used, providing results in the expected times, providing ease in reading, generating ease of use and better management of the spaces used for incubation thereof.Publicación Acceso abierto Zonificación higiénica y monitoreo ambiental en la línea de quesos hilados de la planta Bernargo Penagos-Colanta.(2021-07-08) Ricardo, Mayra Alejandra; Chams Chams, Linda MaríaImplementar la técnica de zonificación higiénica en la línea de producción de quesos hilados para actualizar su plan de monitoreo ambiental y así garantizar la inocuidad del producto. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio retrospectivo para ejecutar la zonificación higiénica usando Autocad V2020. En este, se evaluó la incidencia de Listeria spp entre los años 2018 y 2019 para determinar la nueva frecuencia de monitoreo por zonas y se implementó el análisis de microorganismos indicadores. Resultados. Porcentaje de cumplimiento por microorganismos: Listeria spp 95.25%, mohos y levaduras 90.32%, Mesófilos 74.19%, Coliformes totales 85% y E.coli 100%. Conclusiones. Se evidenció que la implementación de la zonificación higiénica permitió mejorar el plan de monitoreo ambiental de la línea de quesos hilados, priorizando el monitoreo en las áreas donde el producto tiene mayor riesgo de contaminación microbiana.