Pitalúa de Valle, AmparoCenteno Serrano, Lisain2022-08-252022-08-252022-08-25https://repositorio.unicordoba.edu.co/handle/ucordoba/6402The state social enterprise Hospital Local de Montelibano located in the Municipality of Montelibano Córdoba, has an internal communication process to help meet the goals and objectives outlined in its organizational plan. As the different entities or institutions of the health sector have. Through the analysis of the organizational communication processes of the E.S.E Hospital Local de Montelibano in 2022, the need to establish improvement plans for a better development and performance of the internal communication process of the institution is studied. Taking into account the above, this research work has as its main objective to analyze everything that has to do with the part of internal communication in the social enterprise of the state Hospital Local de Montelibano, in order to establish improvement plans that lead to work comprehensively and as a team for a good development of activities and always maintain a good work environment suitable for the joint achievement of the goals of the institution.INTRODUCCIÓN 121. OBJETIVOS 13OBJETIVO GENERAL 13• OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS 132. RESEÑA HISTÓRICA DE LA INSTITUCIÓN 143. ASPECTOS COORPORATIVOS 16• MISION 16• VISION 16• PRINCIPIOS 16• POLITICAS 174. DESCRIPCION DEL AREA FUNCIONAL 195. NECESIDAD DECTECTADA 226. METODOLOGIA DE LA PRACTICA 24• ORGANIGRAMA 25• MAPA DE PROCESOS 25• LINEAMIENTOS DE LA PLATAFORMA ESTRATEGICA EN LOS PROCESOS INSTITUCIONALES 267. MARCO REFERENCIAL 298. RESULTADOS OBTENIDOS 469. CONCLUSIONES 5910. RECOMENDACIONES 60REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRAFICA 61application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2022Diseño de plan de mejoramiento para la comunicación organizacional entre el personal del área científica de la ESE Hospital local de Montelíbano a partir de análisis estratégico institucionalTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)Plan de mejoramientoOrganizaciónAnálisis estratégicoSaludProcesosImprovement planOrganizationStrategic analysisHealthProcesses