Díaz Ramos, Sandra MilenaAnaya, Wendy Paola2020-12-102020-12-102020-12-03https://repositorio.unicordoba.edu.co/handle/ucordoba/3780The beginnings of the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies in Colombia occurred in the 1970s and were radically established in the 1990s, beginning with the inclusion of informatics for their use and training. Therefore, in order to increase productivity and globally not drag the country towards exclusion in terms of social development issues, access to ICTs is resorted to. (Franco & Rueda, 2018). Accordingly, the adoption of measures to train the population in conceptual and procedural technological skills that have an impact on a future in the workplace is encouraged by educational institutions, transmitting skills and knowledge related to the internalization of technology, thus making technological management in education a key mechanism for the country’s development path. This document exposes conceptual points about management, planning and technological management, focusing on the general concept of Technological Management Plans towards the educational environment from plans, programs and models related to ICT established by government entities, where processes such as technological management are a strong tool in supporting the interior of educational institutions, related to changes in educational environments, emerging technological tools, the role of teachers as mediators in the teaching-learning process and ICT trainers, extending new paths in terms of the country's development.TABLA DE CONTENIDO 3LISTA DE ILUSTRACIONES Y TABLAS 3I. INTRODUCCIÓN 6II. CONCEPTOS CLAVES. 9III. PLAN DE GESTIÓN TECNOLÓGICA DEFINICIONES, OBJETIVOS Y FUNCIONES. 12IV. PLAN DE GESTIÓN TECNOLÓGICA EN LA EDUCACIÓN. 18V. PLANES DE GESTIÓN TECNOLÓGICA EDUCATIVA EN COLOMBIA, TENDENCIAS ACTUALES Y FUTURAS. 25VI. PLANES DE GESTIÓN FRENTE A LA COYUNTURA DEL COVID-19 E IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE GESTIONES TIC EN EL DEPARTAMENTO. 35VI.I. PAPEL DOCENTE 36VI.II. CONTEXTO LOCAL. 42VII. CONCLUSIONES 45application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2020Planes de gestión tecnológica en el contexto educativo localTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)GestiónPlaneaciónEducaciónTICPlan de gestión tecnológicaTecnologíaManagementPlannigTechnology management planEducationITCICT strategic planTechnology