Hernández Tirado, KaterineArroyo Petro, María CeciliaHernández Enamorado, Andrea Camila2022-03-192022-03-192022-03-15https://repositorio.unicordoba.edu.co/handle/ucordoba/4993The free development of personality in Colombia is enshrined in Article 16 of the 1991 Constitution, which states that all people have the right to the free development of personality. In recent years this issue has become more relevant, especially in Colombia, which has set precedents in jurisprudence and in changes in the perception of the population. Analyzing the free development, it must be understood that it is an individual will, which becomes visible in the autonomy that people have to decide about themselves, without this leading to an attempt against them or others and that is why in the article in question the concept of free development is delimited. This concept of free development has been changing over time, due to the constant evolution of modern man and constant adaptation to social or political changes, even the same globalization and rapprochement of many nations have made this concept has been standardized in many countries. It should be noted that the main changes in this subject have been linked to political changes, especially the 1991 constitution, which added the article and gave the importance and relevance that the subject should have in our countryIntroducción---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6Capítulo I Fundamentos del libre desarrollo de la personalidad..............................101.1Surgimiento de los derechos Humanos...................................................................101.2 Postulados al libre desarrollo de la personalidad ..............................................121.3El libre desarrollo de la personalidad en Colombia ........................................14Capitulo II Aspectos importantes del libre desarrollo de la personalidad...............171.1 La personalidad......................................................................................................171.2 Las facetas del ser humano ................................................................................181.3La libertad .......................................................................................................19Capitulo III El derecho al libre desarrollo de la personalidad .................................221.1 El libre desarrollo de la personalidad como derecho fundamental ........................221.2Las entidades educativas en el libre desarrollo de la personalidad.....................241.3Vulneracion del libre desarrollo de la personalidad........................................251.4El libre desarrollo de la personalidad o el pleno desarrollo de la personalidad.....................................................................................................................26Conclusiones...................................................................................................................29Bibliografías...................................................................................................................31application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2022Análisis sobre el derecho del libre desarrollo de la personalidad en ColombiaTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)Libre desarrolloDerechos fundamentalesAutonomíaIndividualidadPersonalidadFree developmentFundamental rightsAutonomyIndividualityPersonality