Paternina Durango, ElisaMuñoz Pretel, César Augusto2022-08-252022-08-252022-08-25 angleton grass (Dichantium aristatum Benth), is a perennial grass that grows in the form of macolla develops quickly and forms bunch with height between one and two meters, and has a high leaf - stem ratio. Rest periods of 40 days should be managed in average and in dry season up to 60 days of rest. It supports an animal load of two animals per hectare. Herbaceous perennial plant, usually erect, but with high planting densities can form grass, the leaves are lanceolate, has a wide range of adaptation to climate and soil, grows very well in medium fertility soils, with a wide range of pH and texture, is considered as invasive because of the high fertility of its seed, good persistence under grazing and competes with weeds and is well associated with legumes such as Arachis, Desmodium, Pueraria and Centrosema. In tropical areas it grows from sea level up to 1400 m and with rainfall greater than 850 mm per year. It responds well to levels of high fertilization. The great challenge of producers who practice modern livestock is to increase the production of meat and milk in an accelerated and sustainable way, so as to guarantee the demand of the population and, in addition, ensure the conservation of natural resources and the environment by minimizing the purchase of chemical inputs, reducing pollution and destroying natural resources.LISTA DE TABLAS. ........................................ 11LISTA DE FIGURAS. ........................................ 12RESUMEN. ........................................ 15ABSTRACT. ........................................ 16INTRODUCCION. ........................................ 171. OBJETIVOS. .............................. 191.1. OBJETIVO GENERAL. .................... 191.2. OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS. .................... 192. REVISION LITERARIA. .................... 202.1. GENERALIDADES DEL PASTO ANGLETON (Dichantium aristatum Benth.). .... 202.2. NUTRICION VEGETAL Y CALIDAD DEL PASTO ANGLETON (Dichantium aristatum Benth). .......... 222.3. OTRAS PRACTICAS QUE PUEDAN CALIDAD DEL PASTO ANGLETON (Dichantium aristatum Benth). ........ 232.4. ESTABLECIMIENTO Y PROPAGACION DEL PASTO ANGLETON (Dichantium aristatum Benth). .......... 232.5. METODOS DE SIEMBRA. ............................... 242.6. MANEJO Y CONTROL DE MALEZAS EN EL ESTABLECIMIENTO DEL PASTO ANGLETON (Dicha ntium aristatum Benth):. ............ 272.7. BENEFICIO DE LAS LEGUMINOSAS EN PRADERAS ASOCIADAS........... 282.8. PLAGAS DE IMPORTANCIA ECONOMICA QUE AFECTAN EL PASTO ANGLETON. ............ 302.9. DISTRIBUCION GEOGRAFICA.................... ... 302.10. ESTUDIOS REALIZADOS AL PASTO ANGLETON (Dichantium aristatum Benth). ...................313. DISCUSION GENERAL. ........................................ 404. CONCLUSIONES............................................. 415. BIBLIOGRAFIA. ....................................... 42application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2022Manejo agronómico integrado del pasto Angleton (Dichantium aristatum Benth) en el departamento de CórdobaTrabajo de grado - Especializacióninfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)PastoAngletonMacollasFertilizaciónGanaderíaGrassAngletonTillersFertilizationCattle raising