Racine Vergara, Fabián JoséCastaño Bedoya, Lesly Grey2022-03-112022-03-112022-03-10https://repositorio.unicordoba.edu.co/handle/ucordoba/4940The present work was developed through the methodology of documentary research, with a qualitative approach, with which the perception and experience of individuals with a particular situation or phenomenon in their context is examined, It was carried out with the aim of designing an internal audit plan for the area of admission of IPS Otorrinolaringologos Asociados de Cordoba S.A.S; in addition to carrying out an adequate admission service that leads to optimal development of functions and user satisfaction. In the meantime, a matrix was made that allowed to see the strengths and weaknesses of the institution. In addition, a checklist was designed to focus the continuous improvement cycle (planning, doing, verifying and acting)-PHVA; and finally a description of activities of an internal audit plan for the IPS was developed this defines those aspects relevant to the internal audit (processes to be audited, managers, functions, schedules) with the aim of the institution applying recursively and efficiently in the area of admission.RESUMEN 11ABSTRACT 12INTRODUCCIÓN 131. OBJETIVOS 151.1. Objetivo General 151.2. Objetivos Específicos 152. RESEÑA HISTÓRICA DE LA INSTITUCIÓN 163. PLATAFORMA ESTRATÉGICA 184. MARCO REFERENCIAL 234. MARCO HISTORICO 244.2. MARCO LEGAL 244.3. MARCO CONCEPTUAL 284.4. MARCO TEÓRICO 305. METODOLOGÍA 345.1. TIPO DE ESTUDIO 345.2. ESCENARIO DE ESTUDIO 345.3. POBLACIÓN, TIPO DE MUESTREO Y CÁLCULO DEL TAMAÑO DE LA MUESTRA 355.4. MÉTODOS E INSTRUMENTOS DE RECOLECCIÓN DE DATOS 355.5 PROCEDIMIENTO PARA LA RECOLECCIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN 375.6 PLAN PARA LA TABULACIÓN Y ANÁLISIS DE DATOS 376. ASPECTOS ÉTICOS Y LEGISLATIVOS 397. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN 408. CONCLUSIONES 629. RECOMENDACIONES 64REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS 66ANEXOS 71application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2022Plan de auditoría interna para el área de admisión de la IPS Otorrinolaringólogos Asociados de Córdoba S.A.S en la ciudad de MonteríaTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)auditoría internacalidadadmisiónmejoramiento continuointernal auditqualityadmissioncontinuous improvement