Vergara Carvajal, Amir DavidBerrocal Luna, José Vicente2021-09-012021-09-012021-08-25 business practice was developed in the Ukraine farm of the municipality of Turbo-Antioquia during the period August 2020 - February 2021, the farm is part of a group of two farms corresponding to INVESTMENTS UKRAINE SAS which is dedicated to the production and export of premium quality bananas in the Urabá Antioqueño. This practice aimed to accompany and supervise the cultural work of banana cultivation on the farm, in order to achieve this objective, activities such as monitoring and evaluation of agronomic work to improve yields and quality of exporttype banana cultivation were carried out, monitoring and diagnosis of the incidence of pests and diseases in banana cultivation. To qualify each work performed by the operators by means of the company’s work evaluation format. Each of these activities allowed to strengthen the knowledge in the management of the banana crop, since they were able to identify the different problems, pests and arvenses within the banana crop, in addition to the agronomic management that was carried out in each of them, The correct way to implement the different practices for crop management was also identified.RESUMEN 10ABSTRACT 11INTRODUCCIÓN 121 RESEÑA HISTORICA DE LA EMPRESA 141.1 Misión 151.2 Visión 152 OBJETIVOS. 162.1 Objetivo general. 162.2 Objetivos específicos. 163 REVISION LITERARIA 173.1 EL CULTIVO DE BANANO 173.2 GENERALIDADES DEL CULTIVO DE BANANO 173.2.1 Morfología y taxonomía (Silvino, 2018) 173.2.2 Requerimientos edafoclimaticos 193.2.3 Principales enfermedades 204 CARACTERISTICAS GEOGRAFICAS Y CLIMATICAS 244.1 Clima 244.2 Suelo 255 LABORES CULTURALES O DE MANTENIMIENTO DEL CULTIVO 265.1 La fertilización. 265.2 Labores de protección al racimo 265.2.1 Desviación de hijos. 265.2.2 Deshoje y protección. 265.2.3 Deshije. 275.2.4 Deshermane. 275.2.5 Amarre. 285.2.6 Embolse. 285.2.7 Desflore y encinte. 295.2.8 Desbacote y desmane. 296 ACTIVIDADES REALIZADAS 306.1 Evaluaciones de labores realizadas 306.1.1 Embolse. 306.1.2 Eliminación de dedos laterales. 316.1.3 Desflore. 316.1.4 Desmane. 316.2 Amarre y reamarre 326.3 Deshoje. 336.4 Protección de fruta. 336.5 Fertilización. 346.6 Desmache 356.7 Aplicación de herbicidas. 366.8 Monitoreo de plagas y enfermedades. 376.8.1 Monitoreo de cochinilla harinosa (Pseudococcus sp). 386.8.2 Monitoreo de Moko (Ralstonia solanacearum). 397 CONCLUSIONES 408 RECOMENDACIONES 419 REFERENCIAS 42application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2021Evaluación de labores agronómicas para el mejoramiento de la productividad y calidad del cultivo de banano (Musa AAA) en la finca Ucrania Turbo - AntioquiaTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)BananoExportasiónCalidadCultivoSupervisarBananaExportedQualityCropAdminister