Álvarez Badel, BeatrizArrieta Vergara, Daniel EduardoGastelbondo Barragán, Ana Bertha2022-04-012022-04-012022-03-31https://repositorio.unicordoba.edu.co/handle/ucordoba/5142This application work shows the documentation of the HACCP Plan for the MozzarellaType Cheese product made in the Lacteos de la Granja Company, which operates in the municipality of San Marcos, department of Sucre, based on Decree 60 of 2002. The methodology It consisted in the first place, in the realization of a diagnosis of the prerequisite programs according to the GHYCAL Instrument, later the application of the five previous steps of pre-HACCP to continue with the documentation of the seven principles of HACCP. The application work allowed the development of a documentation proposal for the Hazard Analysis Plan and Critical Control Points, finding two critical control points, the first of which was found in the milk reception stage and corresponds to the chemical risk identified with the acronym PCC-1 (Q) and the second found in the cooking and spinning stage corresponding to biological hazards identified with the acronym PCC-2 (B).INTRODUCCIÓN __________________________________________________ 91. PRESENTACIÓN DE LA EMPRESA __________________________________ 101.1. Plataforma estratégica _______________________________________________ 111.2. Mapa de procesos ____________________________________________ 131.3. Organigrama ___________________________________________________ 152. DESCRIPCIÓN Y FORMULACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA __________________________ 162.1. Formulación del problema ____________________________________ 172.2. Sistematización __________________________________________________ 183. MARCO REFERENCIAL _____________________________________________ 183.1. Marco teórico ____________________________________________________ 183.2. Estado del arte ___________________________________________________ 283.3. Glosario _______________________________________________________ 303.4. Marco Legal _________________________________________________________ 314. JUSTIFICACIÓN _____________________________________________________________ 335. OBJETIVO ___________________________________________________________ 345.1. Objetivo General ___________________________________________________ 345.2. Objetivos Específicos _________________________________________________ 346. METODOLOGÍA Y TRABAJO DE CAMPO ______________________________________ 347. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIONES _________________________________________ 448. PLAN DE ACCION PARA LA EMPRESA ________________________________________ 509. CONCLUSIONES __________________________________________________________ 5110. RECOMENDACIONES _________________________________________________ 52Bibliografía _____________________________________________________________ 53application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2022Diseño del plan de análisis de peligros y puntos críticos de control (haccp) para la línea de producción de queso tipo mozzarella en la empresa Lácteos de la Granja S.A.S. de San Marcos, SucreTrabajo de grado - Especializacióninfo:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)HACCPQuesoMozzarellaInocuidadHACCPCheeseMozzarellaSafety