Vergara Córdoba, César AugustoRuiz Pereira, Gloria Cristina2020-11-052020-11-052020-11-08 to Articles 30 and 31, paragraph 3, of Act 99 of 1993, the Corporación Autónoma Regional de los Valles del Sinú y del San Jorge - CVS - has the function of promoting and developing community participation in environmental protection activities and programs, sustainable development and the proper management of renewable natural resources in the department of Córdoba. Based on the above, the CVS carries out monitoring, participation and environmental monitoring activities related to environmental education in the management of renewable waste and awareness-raising in environmental care, covering different aspects, the construction of a new Ethics and Environmental Culture in the department of Córdoba. The main objective of the present report is to present a series of strategies that are used in the management of the environment, pertaining to education to generate change, this shows a compilation of the results obtained from the monitoring, participation and training activities carried out in institutions, communities and entities of the municipalities of Córdoba that integrate people with a change of attitude to the lived environmental situation. nowadays, the continuous reviews of environmental problems in the media have made society as a whole see this problem as undesirable, because they directly relate the survival of living things to the planet’s environmental future, meaning, if we don’t take care of our environment, the mortality rate will rise. This has led to evidence and questioning of the aggressiveness of human behavior to the natural environment and highlights the need to change systems of knowledge and social values. This need for social change has meant that education and training are needed as the fundamental instruments to create a culture of awareness towards the sustainability of our Flora and Fauna. The precise objective of achieving education and training to solve the problems of aggressive human behavior in the face of the environment is the socialization and assimilation of new cultural patterns: ethics in the exploitation of resources, clean technology, etc. These guidelines should serve as an instrument of integration and change in society.INTRODUCCIÓN ................................................................................................................... 121. RESEÑA HISTÓRICA DE LA CORPORACIÓN AUTÓNOMA REGIONAL DE LOS VALLES DEL SINÚ Y SAN JORGE (CVS). .................................................................. 141.1 Misión ...................................................................................................................... 151.2 Visión ....................................................................................................................... 152. OBJETIVOS DE LA PRÁCTICA EMPRESARIAL ................................................. 162.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL ............................................................................................ 162.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS .................................................................................... 163. REVISIÓN DE LITERATURA ................................................................................ 174. ACTIVIDADES REALIZADAS............................................................................... 194.1 Actualización y organización de expedientes de Educación Ambiental. ..................... 194.2 Apoyo, acompañamiento y seguimiento a proyectos de mantenimiento de Reforestación. .......................................................................................................................... 204.3 Capacitación a comunidades del departamento mediante temas de huerta familiar y reciclaje ......224.3.1 CDI Cooperativa de Bienestar Social......................................................................... 234.4 Apoyo y acompañamiento a funcionarios en Capacitaciones de educación ambiental a comunidades y entidades: ......................................................................................................... 244.5 Apoyo y acompañamiento a visitas en el Aula Verde Interactiva (CVS). ................... 254.6 Socialización a integrantes de instituciones y comunidades sobre el manejo adecuado de los recursos humanos y la manera de resanar la deforestación de nuestro entorno. ................ 265. CONCLUSIONES .................................................................................................... 296. RECOMENDACIONES ........................................................................................... 30BIBLIOGRAFÍA ..................................................................................................................... 31ANEXOS ................................................................................................................................. 32application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2020Implementación y seguimiento de la educación ambiental en la gestión integral de planes, programas y proyectos que desarrolla la CVS en el departamento de CórdobaTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccessAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0)FaunaFloraReforestaciónSensibilizaciónFaunaFloraReforestationAwareness