Carrillo Fajardo, Merly YenedithGil Novoa, Jorge EnriquePeñate Pacheco, Liliana2020-11-142020-11-142020-11-13 alterations in the forest structure cause changes in the microclimatic conditions that affect the taxonomic and functional diversity of sensitive organisms such as bryophytes; Consequently, they can influence the ecological processes that these organisms carry out and their responses to new environments. Objective. Characterize the brioflora in different covers (silvopastoral system (SSP) gallery forest (BG) and high secondary vegetation (VSA)) of a Tropical Dry Forest and the functional groups associated with water regulation. Materials and methods. Three 100 x 10 m transects and free runs were made in each coverage, with humidity, solar radiation and type of substrate recorded. Functional traits associated with water regulation were measured, such as stem width, length and width of the filidia, presence of leaves with amplecting bases, hyalodermis and imbricated filidia. Results. 19 species are recorded, 15 in VSA and 14 in both BG and SSP. The richest families are Fissidentaceae and Lejeuneaceae. The richest substrates are epiphyto-corticola and decomposing organic matter. Six functional groups were identified, which are present in all habitats, with the exception of functional group three (GF3) that was not recorded in BG. Conclusions. The availability of substrates for the bryophytes in the different coverages shows similarity, except for the absence of the epilitic in BG, which contrasts with the prediction, that in coverages with high luminosity and low humidity (SSP), the availability of microhabitats (substrates) it would be lower and therefore its diversity, which was not the case either because the diversity does not present significant variation in the coverage (p = 1), on the other hand, the richness of functional groups associated with water regulation varies between the coverage. In SSP, the richness is lower with respect to VSA and higher than BG, therefore, the results do not clearly show that the coverage with greater solar radiation and less humidity present less richness, but if less frequency and variation in composition, mainly compared to BG.RESUMENABSTRACTINTRODUCCIÓNMATERIALES Y MÉTODOSRESULTADOSDISCUSIÓNapplication/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2020Diversidad taxonómica y funcional de briófitos en diferentes coberturas de un bosque seco tropical, Córdoba-ColombiaArtículo de revistainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)BriofloraSustratosRasgos funcionalesMicroclimaBryofloraSubstrateFunctional traitsMicroclimate