Castaño Rivera, Samir OsvaldoCuello Calle, Gian CarlosSoto Vidal, Daniel Felipe2020-12-022020-12-022020-11 order to mitigate the impact that has had the COVID-19 and avoid the care of patients and assistance to medical centers in person, different needs and protocols have emerged in search of solutions to avoid contact and crowding of people, this work demonstrates the development of a technological platform consisting of 3 applications, one web and two mobile; the web application is responsible for managing the requests for medical appointments. A second mobile application for patients, in charge of generating medical requests to medical centers, and finally a mobile application for doctors, which uses the concept of remote consultation to communicate with patients in order to provide them with medical care. Based on the question forms for users and physicians, it was obtained that the majority of users use Android as an operating system, while the surveys of physicians showed the use of multiplatforms for their end devices. In this way we wanted to separate the applications in 2 saving the doctors' service in an external multiplatform app, which at the end of time reduced the code to native Kotlin, the same as the users, therefore one of the future improvements would be to integrate both applications in 1 single app, and thus use common code for both roles. This set of applications interconnects with a set of web services, through the core (API under REST type micro services). The development of the api rest is integrated into the Spring boot framework, we use java 11 for the development of the project, Java 11 allows us flexibility in writing code, so that we can use functional programming and objectoriented programming within the same interface of java 11, as well as the use of reference variables such as (var). Within the project we use the components of "Lombok", which 18 allows us to create classes with Get, Set and self-generated constructors, without having to write a complete class, we used JPA hibernate for database queries and also hibernate provides annotations for the development of the entities. We use mapstruct, which allows us to map the classes to DTOs, the dtos are class models that are exposed to the user as its name indicates, Data transfer object. Also, for the complete security of the api we use spring security to protect the routes and that these cannot be accessed from any type of event, also used spring devtools to configure the entire architecture of the application, to use component annotations and procedures such as @Service, @Configuration. Within the api several classes of configuration were implemented, which correspond to the architecture of the AGORA service, service that was used for communication in video call channels, and this is correlated with a key that provides the service, this component implemented in Java only generates a channel, and a connection key, which are sent to the user through the application. We also used the Firebase admin library, which in real time will notify the user that his appointment, consultation, or referral is available for any type of direct communication with the assigned doctor.RESUMEN.................................................................................................................15ABSTRACT...............................................................................................................171. INTRODUCCIÓN.............................................................................................. 191.1 PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA ....................................................... 191.1.1 Pregunta de investigación ............................................................................ 211.2 JUSTIFICACION .............................................................................................. 211.3 OBJETIVOS ...................................................................................................... 241.3.1 Objetivo general .......................................................................................... 241.3.2 Objetivos específicos ................................................................................... 242. REVISIÓN DE LITERATURA ......................................................................... 252.1 ESTADO DEL ARTE ........................................................................................ 252.2 MARCO TEORICO ........................................................................................... 292.3 MARCO CONCEPTUAL .................................................................................. 363. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS .......................................................................... 443.1 METODOLOGIA .............................................................................................. 443.1.1 Metodología ................................................................................................ 443.1.2 Fases del proyecto ....................................................................................... 453.2 DESARROLLO ................................................................................................. 473.2.1 Arquitectura del sistema .............................................................................. 473.2.2 Arquitectura aplicativo web ......................................................................... 503.2.3 Arquitectura aplicativos móviles .................................................................. 513.2.4 Requerimientos del sistema ......................................................................... 523.2.4.1 Requisitos funcionales ........................................................................... 523.2.4.2 Requerimientos no funcionales .............................................................. 543.3 DISEÑO DEL SISTEMA ................................................................................... 553.3.1 Modelo entidad-relación .............................................................................. 553.3.2 Diagrama de clases ...................................................................................... 563.3.3 Diagramas de caso de uso ............................................................................ 573.3.3.1 Actores del sistema ................................................................................ 573.3.3.2 Casos de uso .......................................................................................... 583.3.3.3 Documentación casos de uso.................................................................. 624. RESULTADOS .................................................................................................. 675. CONCLUSIONES .............................................................................................. 886. RECOMENDACIONES .................................................................................... 897. BIBLIOGRAFÍA ................................................................................................ 90ANEXOS .................................................................................................................... 96application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2020Plataforma para la atención médica a pacientes en época de COVID-19Trabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)TriajeCOVIDPandemiaTriageCOVIDPandemic