Taborda Caro, María AlejandraDomicó Majoré, Jaineabi Iván Antonio2022-04-012022-04-012022-03-28 the Colombian territory there are 102 indigenous peoples, the data on its total number are discussed and not accepted by the ethnic groups, additionally it has 64 languages. In the Parawando Regatta, the place where this study is carried out, the Embera-Katíos people survive, consisting of 125 families, 524 people. The theological and political organization is in the hands of two figures: El Jaibana, wise man who hides all mysteries, mediator between gods and men, political power is exercised by a leader called, the Cacique is not praised, but respected. The creator god of all the existing called Karagabi. The territory in its entire dimension is a creation born of water, the article presented here is the result of the progress of ongoing research that aims to recover traditional spatial and landscape knowledge through a participatory mapping of the use of the land, maps prepared by the parents of the school belonging to the shelter were used, perceptions about hunting, fishing, sacred places and dwellings were recorded. The main purpose of the mapping is to encourage indigenous peoples to request and defend their ancestral lands and resources. Undoubtedly, this allows the strengthening of its political organization, economic planning but especially the management of its natural resources.Resumen 7Abstract 91. Introducción (yi nara bema) 101. Planteamiento del problema y justificación 12 (Kirĩcha bʉdaya nau bedea mitia ʉ˜rʉ˜) 121.1. Pregunta de investigación 152. Objetivos (saũ yi kirĩcha) 152.1. Objetivo general (Yi kirĩcha jõmaune bema) 153. Estado del arte. 164. Marco teórico (Yi bʉma kirĩcha zromarãba) 285.1. Los mapas en la historia o la historia de los mapas. (Nebura drua zanumu mau ẽburu drua zanumu nebura) 285.2. El campo emergente de la etnocartografía (Drua zanume ẽberãra kirĩchade wawara tabe) 306. Metodología ( Sawʉã odaita) 387. Resultados 407.1. Etnocartografia de los emberá katío: gente de rio y de cacería (Drua ẽberãra kirĩchade zanumurã: dobirã edewara mi miarã) 407.2. La imaginación espacial de la comunidad del resguardo de Embera Katío 449. Conclusiones ( Jõma jaraita) 6810. Bibliografia 70application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2022Etnocartografía Ẽberã Katío en el sur de Córdoba: imaginación espacial para territorios en resistenciaTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)EtnocartografíaMapeo participativoTerritorioEmbera-KatíoPãwarãdoEthnocartographyTerritoryParticipatory mappingEmbera- KatíosPãwarãdo