Jiménez Hernández, Gustavo E.Herrera Gutiérrez, ConcepciónMolina Núñez, Selena JoséLuna Carillo, Kelly Johanna2022-06-102022-06-102022-06-06https://repositorio.unicordoba.edu.co/handle/ucordoba/5199Introduction: Pregnancy in adolescence is considered a public health problem worldwide, because the age of pregnant women ranges between 15 and 19 years, generating great consequences for both the mother and the baby. The objective of the study focuses, in analyzing the scientific evidence on the strategies applied at a national and international level for the prevention of teenage pregnancy. Methodology: consists of a literature review, integrator type, based on study publications, scientific articles and research documents on strategies for the prevention of pregnancy in adolescents, applied nationally and internationally. For the collection of information for this study databases such as; PUBMED, SCIENCE DIRECT, SCIELO, EMBASE, BVS, LILACS, MEDLINE, PROQUEST and the Repository of the University of Córdoba. Results: Is obtained 76,246 publications. When applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 17 articles were selected. Of which; 13 (76.47%) they are in English and 4 (23.53%) they are in Spanish. The documents were published in; U.S, Peru, Colombia and Ghana. Conclusion: The most used strategies were digital and educational, implemented in institutions such as colleges and universities, which allow attracting a considerable number of participants. Reflecting a decline in teen pregnancies and, a significant increase in knowledge about family planning methods and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.INTRODUCCIÓN 11. OBJETIVOS 41.1 GENERAL 41.2 ESPECÍFICOS 41.2 ESPECÍFICOS 42. MARCO REFERENCIAL 52.1 ANTECEDENTES HISTÓRICOS 52.2 MARCO TEÓRICO 112.3 MARCO CONCEPTUAL 142.4 MARCO LEGAL 183. METODOLOGÍA 233.1 TIPO DE ESTUDIO 233.2 RECOLECCIÓN DE LA INFORMACIÓN 233.3 INSTRUMENTO PARA RECOGER LOS DATOS 233.4 CRITERIOS DE INCLUSIÓN 243.5 CRITERIOS DE EXCLUSIÓN 243.6 ANALISIS DE LA INFORMACIÓN 253.7 ASPECTOS ÉTICOS 254. RESULTADOS. 265. DISCUSIÓN 305.1 ESTRATEGIAS DIGITALES. 305.2 ESTRATEGIAS BASADAS EN EVIDENCIAS. 345.3 ESTRATEGIAS EDUCATIVAS 345.4 ESTRATEGIAS COMUNITARIAS INTEGRALES 366. CONCLUSIONES 387. RECOMENDACIONES 407.1 PARA LOS PROFESIONALES DE ENFERMERÍA. 407.2 PARA EL PROGRAMA DE ENFERMERÍA. 407.3 PARA LA INVESTIGACIÓN. 407.4 PARA EL ESTADO DE COLOMBIA. 40BIBLIOGRAFÍA 41ANEXOS 54application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2022Estrategias aplicadas para la prevención de embarazos en adolescentes: revisión integradora de literaturaTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)EstrategiaPrevenciónEmbarazoAdolescenciaStrategyPreventionPregnancyAdolescence