Gómez Ramos, Arnulfo ManuelCotoa Hernández, Germán José2020-10-262020-10-262020-10-26https://repositorio.unicordoba.edu.co/handle/ucordoba/3469In this writing, the deforestation process in the Cienaga de Ayapel in the period 2010 to 2020 is characterized by means of multitemporal analysis with satellite images, to determine the areas with the greatest loss of vegetation cover and the presence of bare soil, over time and What factors cause this phenomenon, as well as being able to detail over time the transformation of the wetland, the result obtained reflects the behavior of the phenomenon in the Cienaga, in a period of 10 years (2010 - 2020), in which 3,886 have been lost. 96 ha of vegetation cover and the water mirror has been reduced by 2,586.44 ha, therefore the annual rate of deforestation in wetlands is 388,696 ha / years, an alarming figure, with great consequences for the functioning and ecosystem balance of the swampy complex. This progressive imbalance is preceded by three main factors, economic such as the over-exploitation of resources, social such as the inadequate implementation of the territory by the population and environmental, due to floods, subject to the climatic changes of the year. In conclusion, the phenomenon of deforestation increases as the years go by, which is evidenced in the loss of vegetation cover and the presence of a large amount of bare soil, which serves as an element and input for the different control organisms to take decisions and implement management plans, to stop deforestation, relying on the emergence and technological advances such as GIS.RESUMEN1. INTRODUCCIÓN2. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS2.1 Área de estudio2.2 Técnicas e instrumentos de análisis2.3 Requisitos para la selección de imágenes.2.4 Selección de imágenes.2.5 Procesamiento de las imágenes3. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN3.1 Determinación de la tasa y de la línea de deforestación4. CONCLUSIONES5. REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICASapplication/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2020Análisis multitemporal de la deforestación en la Ciénaga de Ayapel mediante el procesamiento de imágenes de satelitales en el periodo 2010 – 2020Trabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccessAtribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0)DeforestaciónHumedalCobertura vegetalAnálisis multitemporalSuelo desnudoImágenes satelitalesFactores asociadosDeforestationWetlandVegetation coverMultitemporal analysisBare soilSatellite imagesAssociated factors