Cabrales Herrera, Eliecer MiguelJuris Rivera, Álvaro Enrique2022-01-242022-01-242021-12-21 order to improve the learning component on the management of export type banana plantations, this business practice was implemented, which was carried out in the Acacias and Ceiba farms of the company C.I TROPICAL S.A.S., whose main objective was to monitor the cultural work in nursery and establishment stages of the banana crop (Musa AAA) in these two farms in the Urabá region and thus contribute to better development, maintenance and production of the crop. The internship began with the induction and training on banana cultivation, where tasks were assigned in the supervision of the following tasks: planting of plants, weeding, cutting of the growing point of the shoots and rhizomes, planting and fertilization of these, counting and data entry of the shoots and rhizomes, counting and data entry of the shoots and rhizomes. In addition, work in the nursery stage was supervised: preparation of substrate and filling of bags, planting in bags, planting of meristems in bags, selection of propagation material, application of fertilizers, integrated management of pests, weeds and diseases. With the activities carried out, it was possible to obtain good quality seedlings and seeds, which were used in the renewal programs and harvest scheduling of different crop lots; plant health was also improved, among other things.1.INTRODUCCIÓN………………………………………………………………………122. RESEÑA HISTÓRICA DE LA EMPRESA………………………………………..143.OBJETIVOS………………………………………………...………………………….153.1. OBJETIVO GENERAL………………………………….………….....……………153.2. OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS………………………………………………………154. REVISIÓN DE LITERATURA……………………………………………………..164.1. IMPORTANCIA DEL CULTIVO DE BANANO…………………………………..164.2. DESCRIPCIÓN GENERAL DEL BANANO (Musa AAA)……………………...164.3. MORFOLOGÍA DEL BANANO………………………………………………..…..174.3.1.Raíces……………………………………………………………………….…..…174.3.2.Rizoma (Cormo)……………………………..………………………….………...174.3.3. Hijos o Chupones……………..…………………………………………...….….174.3.4. Hojas y Pseudotallo…..………………………………………………………….184.3.5. Flor……………………………………………………………..…………………..184.3.6. Crecimiento de la fruta…………………………………………………………...184.3.7. Etapas de desarrollo…………………………………………..…………………194.4. REQUERIMIENTOS EDAFOCLIMÁTICOS 194.5. LIMITACIONES BIÓTICAS DE LA PRODUCCIÓN 204.6. PROPAGACIÓN DEL MATERIAL DE SIEMBRA 204.7. LABORES CULTURALES EN ETAPAS DE VIVERO 224.7.1. Bolsas, Sustrato y fertilización de meristemos4.7.2. Manipulación, trasplante y riego de meristemos 224.7.3. Manejo de plagas y enfermedades en vivero 234.7.4. Eliminación de plantas mutantes 234.8. ESTABLECIMIENTO DEL CULTIVO DE BANANO 245. ACTIVIDADES REALIZADAS 255.1. INTRODUCCIÓN AL CULTIVO DE BANANO (Musa AAA): 255.2. Monitoreo de propagación de plántulas en vivero: 255.3. Siembra de meristemos 255.4. Siembra de rizomas……………………………………………………………...…265.5. Supervisión de labores en lotes a renovar 265.6. Procesamiento de datos: 276. RESULTADOS OBTENIDOS 276.1. INTRODUCCIÓN AL CULTIVO DE BANANO (Musa AAA): 276.2. Instalación de vivero en la finca Las Acacias 276.3. Supervisión de labores en vivero 286.4. Supervisión de labores en lotes a renovar 326.5. Siembra de meristemos 356.6. Siembra de rizomas……………………………………..………………………….357.CONCLUSIONES……………………………………………………………...………388. RECOMENDACIONES……………………………………..……………………...399. BIBLIOGRAFÍASapplication/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2021Seguimiento de labores culturales en etapas de vivero y establecimiento del cultivo de banano (Musa AAA) en la región de UrabáTrabajo de grado - Pregradoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)ChopeoDesmacheMacropropagaciónMeristemosMicropropagaciónChopeoDesmacheMacropropagationMeristemsMicropropagation