Marrugo Negrete, José LuisMontiel-Díaz, Yesit Felipe2021-12-012021-12-012021-12-01 the region of La Mojana, a serious threat to food security has been evidenced due to contamination by heavy metals, which has been evidenced in soils, water and sediments and has come to contaminate agricultural products such as rice and fish. It was proposed to evaluate the concentrations and the risk to human health of heavy metals (Mercury, Lead, Arsenic and Cadmium) in food products consumed in the region of La Mojana (Colombia). Factors associated with the consumption of food products were evaluated through a survey including socioeconomic data, and frequency of food consumption. 7,645 samples of cereal food products, meats, fruits, vegetables, milk, and tubers were collected. Mercury concentration was determined using a direct mercury analyzer (Mylestone DMA Tri Cell). The arsenic concentration was quantified with the hydride generator atomic absorption spectrometry (HGAAS) method. The concentration of cadmium and lead were quantified with graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy (GFAAS). The order as a function of the mean concentrations of heavy metals was Pb = 635.25, As 179.87, Cd = 57.19 and Hg = 19.52 in food products. Vegetables shows a tendency to higher concentrations of heavy metals studied compared to the rest of food products. The food products with the highest daily intake were milk and cereals (ID = 0.35; 0.25 respectively). The EDI values decreased in the following order Cereals> Fruits> Vegetables> Tubers> Milk> Meats> Eggs. The consumption of cereals and milk are the most important contributors to the total intake of As within the food products studied. The carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risk values of the total intake evaluated were above the maximum permissible level (HQHg = 5.004; HQCd = 1.82; HQAs = 6.24; HQPb = 1.05). Heavy metals should be monitored in the La Mojana region and strategies should be implemented in food consumption to minimize the associated risk.1. RESUMEN ...................................................................................................92. ABSTRACT ...............................................................................................103. INTRODUCCIÓN .......................................................................................114. OBJETIVOS ...............................................................................................134.1. Objetivo general .........................................................................................134.2 Objetivos específicos ..................................................................................135. MARCO REFERENCIAL ............................................................................145.1 Antecedentes ........................................................................................145.2 Metales pesados...................................................................................165.3 Toxicología de metales pesados ...........................................................276. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS ......................................................................306.1 Tipo de estudio ........................................................................................306.2 Área de estudio ........................................................................................306.3 Caracterización de factores asociados al consumo de alimentos agropecuarios ...............................................................................................316.4 Criterios de selección para la población de la región de la Mojana. .........326.5 Concentraciones de los metales pesados en matrices de alimentos agropecuarios ................................................................................................336.6 Determinación de las concentraciones de mercurio, plomo, arsénico y cadmio en matrices ........................................................................................336.7 Control de calidad del método evaluado ..................................................346.8 Evaluación del nivel de riesgo por exposición a mercurio total, plomo, arsénico y cadmio. .........................................................................................356.9 Consideraciones éticas ............................................................................366.10 Procesamiento y análisis de los datos....................................................377. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN ..........................................................................387.1 Caracterización de algunos factores asociados al consumo de los alimentos y su relación con la exposición a metales pesados en habitantes de la Mojana Colombiana. ...................................................................................................387.2 Determinación de concentraciones de los metales pesados (Hg, As, Pb y Cd) en productos alimenticios por los habitantes de la Mojana Colombiana. .457.3 Determinación del riesgo potencial de la salud humana por consumo de los alimentos contaminados metales pesados (Hg, As, Pb y Cd) en habitantes de la Mojana Colombiana. ..................................................................................498. CONCLUSIONES ......................................................................................579. REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS ...........................................................59application/pdfspaCopyright Universidad de Córdoba, 2021Concentraciones de metales pesados en productos agropecuarios en la región de La de Mojana: evaluación del riesgo en la salud humanaTrabajo de grado - Maestríainfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)Elementos potencialmente tóxicosContaminación ambientalSalud humanaColombiaPotentially toxic elementsEnvironmental pollutionHuman healthColombia